A study published last year in the journal, Neuropharmacology, lays some important groundwork in understanding the fundamental mechanisms in the therapeutic mood regulation ability of cannabis. The scientists involved looked at Cannabidiol’s effects on mice that were physically induced into chronic depression through brain surgery, in order to watch the results of administration of the chemical under continuous usage.
This study, recently resurfaced by Psy Post, is important for all to be reminded of. Even if cannabis isn’t the right substance for a given individual of specific circumstance–the fact of the matter is that this plant has been proven to have massive potential to help the human body. Additionally important, the study shows that the therapeutic effects are not limited to the psychoactive components of cannabis. In fact, it seems that perhaps quite a significant percentage of the mood regulation potential does in fact seem to come from the non-psychoactive Cannibidiol. Which means that this opens the door for therapeutic uses of cannabis that do not have a psychoactive effect, or that do not get a person high. Which seems to be the major point of contention for those advocating for the illegality of cannabis especially when discussing child medication. The sad fact is that this is by no means a new concept, yet the medical field and mainstream media have continually failed to address its medicinal possibilities until very recently.
The highlights of the study were represented as followed:
– Cannabidiol exerts fast antidepressant-like (anxiolyic) actions
– Cannabidiol enhances 5-HT and glutamate levels in prefrontal cortex.
– 5-HT1A receptor mediates cannabidiol-induced antidepressant-like effects.
– 5-HT1A receptor mediates cannabidiol-induced increase of 5-HT/glutamate levels.
To break some of this jargon down, this means that through a state of anhedonia replicated in the mice by surgically changing the biochemistry of their brain, CBD was found to produce serotonergic and glutamate signalling and uptake through a 5-HT1A inhibited mechanism in the brain.
Serotonin can be considered the engagement neurotransmitter of the brain. It allows for a regulator self concept, and largely dictates how well this self-concept fits into its perceived environment. 5-HT is the technical title of a serotonin receptor in the brain.
Glutamate is an equally fundamental neurotransmitter in the nervous system, and is the precursor for the neurotransmitter GABA, which is the chief transmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. Glutamate is crucial for a variety of things like neural communication, memory formation, and learning capability.
While the study is remaining humble by using phrasing such as “anti-depressant-like” effects (meaning that they are tiptoeing around a real classification here) the implications of this study clearly prove that Cannibidiol is capable of not only a significant level of crucial neurotransmitter uptake (important for those with dysregulations already occurring in their brain; typified as a “mood disorder”) but that it provides a further peek into the mechanisms of CBD‘s physical rehabilitative properties as well. With a nod to Rick Simpson and his healing hemp oils now known across the globe, it is becoming more and more obvious why Big Pharma has fought to kept this miraculous plant from any sort of large-scale Western legalization. The only real question that seems to be left here is: What is hemp not good for?
Sources: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0028390815302136, http://www.psypost.org/2016/02/cannabidiol-41329