Note from the Author: It is easy in this unruly and manipulated time to be labeled “un-American” simply for choosing to speak out. Admittedly, I have some views that many may find “outside the box,” to put it lightly, but that does not mean I am anti-America or against America. It is exactly our right Read More…
Tag: cannabis
The Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Mesothelioma Patients
When traditional medicines stop working, doctors can only do so much to treat their patients. Patients who become desperate often turn to other possible solutions for their treatment. This desperation is the case for most mesothelioma patients. Many of them report relief from taking medical marijuana. Despite the approval of the use of medical marijuana Read More…
Can I Mix CBD Products With Food?
There are a number of reasons why you might want to mix CBD into your food. Some people experience an upset stomach when they take a supplement of any kind on an empty stomach. You might not like the taste of natural CBD and want to cover the flavor up with whatever it is you’re Read More…
Video Shows Police Raid On Stage 4 Cancer Patient’s Hospital Room For Medical Marijuana
A shocking viral video showing a team of police entering and then searching the hospital room of man with stage 4 pancreatic cancer is fueling outrage in Bolivar, Missouri, where the incident took place and is renewing nation-wide debate over medical marijuana. Multiple police officers initiated an unconsented surprise search on terminally ill patient Nolan Sousley’s hospital room on March 6 after Read More…
First Time At A Dispensary – Purchase Online Or Local?
Before 1996, you would have never imagined walking into a store to buy your marijuana. Pot has always have been purchased through shady ways like meeting up in weird places at random times. Some people tried to grow it but it’s not easy to grow high potency cannabis. Now you can simply walk into a Read More…
Massive Harvard Study Contradicts Anti-Pot Propaganda Told to Us for Decades
(TFTP) For decades anti-marijuana and even pro-marijuana advocates have repeated a narrative about the potentially negative effects associated with smoking marijuana and the male sperm count. Smoking weed, we were told, decreases your ability to produce sperm. However, an extensive study published by none other than Harvard researchers this week, reveals quite the opposite may Read More…