Conspiracy buffs give me a hard time occasionally for not writing more about September 11; I guess when you have a following and talk about unauthorized narratives a lot it’s just something that’s expected of you. I don’t really have much useful to say about it though. Obviously there are so many gaping plot holes in Read More…
Tag: US empire
The Secret Battle For Africa
In October 2017 United States African Command confirmed that three Green Berets had been killed and two more had been wounded when their patrol was ambushed in Niger. Reaction to this news from the non-Corbett Report audience was: “What? There’s a United States African Command?” followed swiftly by “What are Green Berets doing conducting patrols in Niger, Read More…
US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II
First published in November 2015 After the catastrophic attacks of September 11 2001 monumental sorrow and a feeling of desperate and understandable anger began to permeate the American psyche. A few people at that time attempted to promote a balanced perspective by pointing out that the United States had also been responsible for causing those Read More…
Imperial Hubris Redefined
There have been two developments in the past month that illustrate clearly what is wrong with the White House’s perception of America’s place in the world. Going far beyond the oft-repeated nonsense that the United States is somehow the “leader of the free world,” the Trump Administration has taken several positions that sustain the bizarre Read More…
The US Empire Is Acting Like A Desperate, Cornered Animal, Because That’s What It Is
I love Americans. I get friendly flak from some of my more jaded lefty readers whenever I say that, because having to deal with the flaws of one’s own countrymen is a very different experience than appreciating them from afar, but I do. I insist that Americans are generally good-hearted human beings, who just happen Read More…
Ron Paul’s ‘The Real State Of The Union’
Last night’s State of the Union speech was equal measure gloating and glumness depending on which political party you ask. As usual there was plenty of mugging for the cameras with the artificial idea that there really any fundamental differences between the two. The warfare state got its big boost as did the welfare state. Read More…