After months of “smoking guns” and conspiracy theory dismissals, a Singapore-based Deutsche Bank trader (at the center of fraud allegations) finally confirmed (by admitting guilt) what many have suspected – the biggest banks in the world have conspired to rig precious metals markets. The Deutsche Bank trader, David Liew, pleaded guilty in federal court in Read More…
Tag: Rigging
Deutsche Bank Provides “Smoking Gun” Proof Of Massive Rigging And Fraud In The Silver Market
Back in April, when first reported that Deutsche Bank had agreed to settle allegations it had rigged the silver market in exchange for $38 million, we revealed something stunning: “in a curious twist, the settlement letter revealed that the former members of the manipulation cartel have turned on each other,” and that Deutsche Bank would provide documents Read More…
New Podesta Email Exposes Dem Playbook For Rigging Polls Through “Oversamples”
Earlier this morning we wrote about the obvious sampling bias in the latest ABC / Washington Post poll that showed a 12-point national advantage for Hillary. Like many of the recent polls from Reuters, ABC and The Washington Post, this latest poll included a 9-point sampling bias toward registered democrats. “METHODOLOGY – This ABC News Read More…
Deutsche Bank Admits To Rigging Both Gold and Silver Markets; Agrees To Expose Others
As many investors have been alluding too for some time, price-fixing seems to be rampant all over the precious metals markets, particularly in Gold and Silver. Just in the past two days, this “crazy” speculation has finally been confirmed, as Deutsche Bank has admitted to fixing the price of both silver and gold on the Read More…