How many whales have died as a result of ingesting plastic? Who really knows, but one thing we do know for certain is that the number is quite high, and there is no shortage of examples to prove that. A couple of months ago, a sperm whale was found dead. Again, it’s not the first Read More…
Tag: navy
U.S. Government Exposed For Conducting Bio-Warfare Experiments In San Francisco That Killed US Citizens
The U.S. government is responsible for conducting one of the largest human experiments in history by simulating a germ warfare attack on thousands of unsuspecting Americans. (TFTP) Many Americans would not be surprised to hear that the United States government conducted one of the largest human experiments in history by simulating a chemical attack on Read More…
US Navy Plans To Release 20,000 Tons Of Explosives, Heavy Metals Into Pacific Ocean
Several times a year, the US publicizes its “war games,” both domestic and abroad, allowing the massive, heavily-funded US military to showcase its might, develop new strategies, and test combat readiness. Yet, ignored all too often is the environmental impact of these exercises which, since World War I, have left behind tons of bombs, heavy Read More…
Whales Beaching Themselves – No One Knows Why
Earlier this week, more than 80 whales were found beached on the southern coast of India. The cause of the phenomenon is yet unknown to local officials. Over eighty whales were found beached on the southern coast of India this past Monday. As this is not the first occurrence of this type, the phenomenon is continuing to cause confusion as the Read More…
Two US Navy Ships Seized Upon Entering Iranian Waters
Earlier today, January 12th, it was announced by the White House that two US Navy ships had been seized for “illegally trespassing” in Iranian waters. 10 sailors total, US officials maintain the story that the Navy ships were having “mechanical difficulties,” which brings little explanation as to why there were reportedly around 2 kilometers deep Read More…