Anthony Tyler Ancient Knowledge History Occult Outside the Box Psychonautics Science Top News

Symbolism, Neurophenomenology, & Hunting the White Rabbit

“The years … when I pursued the inner images were the most important time of my life. Everything else is to be derived from this. It began at that time, and the later details hardly matter anymore. My entire life consisted in elaborating what had burst forth from the unconscious and flooded me like an Read More…

Spirituality Anthony Tyler Featured Health Occult Top News

Psychotherapy as Alchemy

Through the looking-glass, down the rabbit hole—peering into the kaleidoscope. Whether a person is a materialist or a spiritualist, a human being’s birth is the first initiation—and it is an initiation of a certain sequence or order(the individual consciousness of the newborn) into the fractal mathematics of relationship that dictates the material world—the chaos of Read More…

Your Esoteric Initiation Ancient Knowledge Anthony Tyler Expand Your Mind... Featured Occult Science Spirituality Top News

Your Esoteric Initiation – Part 3: Your Archetypes Own You

“Everything in life is just a matter of transmission,” a couch-surfing Eskimo once said to me, while smoking a cigarette he had just rolled. “Like starting your car.” The simplicity of the statement made it all the more poignant, especially for the situation at hand. What does it mean to say that life is a Read More…