Those who chose to get their information from the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media, will have an entirely different view of the political climate in this country; that is simply what these media outlets have been instructed to do: portray a perfectly operating, fair and balanced democratic election.
Yet despite the media’s ongoing diatribes about how glorious it is to watch democracy in action, the ever-growing number of disenfranchised Americans are becoming increasingly aware of the egregious deception and fraud being carefully kept from the majority of mainstream television. Truly, it is hard to believe that even those religiously watching CNN for example, are not at least to some to degree aware of the criminal activity surrounding the elite selection process currently labeled the presidential election.
Truthstream Media has produced yet another fantastic compilation of the rampant corruption within the DNC. It is important to note that this type of illegal activity is not just limited to the Democratic Party. However, the DNC is the focus of this video simply because it is one of the most glaringly obvious examples of election fraud in the history of the United States; or at least ones that have been discovered. With the far-reaching implications of what is being seen this year, it is hard not to question the legitimacy and honor of many who have come before this depressing display of the Criminal vs. the Buffoon. Watch below for a glimpse into the reality of American politics.