Welcome to the world of Post Industry. It’s grim—lopsided, misshapen, and contorted, somewhat like a grown man trying to fit into his childhood pajamas. Shackled by the socioeconomic pillars of foundation that were solidified by the Industrial Revolution, concepts such as the petrodollar represent massive cultural obstacles that have drastically and purposefully halted the progress of modern energy production technology, transportation, economic goods trading, modern food and medicine, and education.
Society is desperately trying to step ahead on its adventure, but keeps bumping into the trees on the side of the trail. Indicated by the phrase, “Post Industry,” the Industrial Revolution is long over and its methods long proven outdated, and suffice it to say that this dead horse has been beaten consistently for quite a long time. Nowadays, the cookie-cutter workforce indoctrination has been less and less effective, proportionate to the rise in technologies like the Internet, and as a result, now seems to breed either scholars who refuse to think for themselves, or jaded workers who found education to be nothing more than a sham. Unfortunately, both of these are the worst of both worlds.
To explain this further, the American education system is sociohorticulture. This obviously does not mean the education system deals with societies of plants, but that it is designed to groom and develop the upcoming “crop” of citizens to perquisite specifications decided upon by the country’s elite financial networks, which fund the education system. The important piece to this analogy is the harvest of the horticulturist, which the horticulturalist is clearly entitled to because of all their hard work. But, if someone considers themselves a type of sociopolitical horticulturalist of society, can it really be considered ethical to reap the benefits of this society until it has been vampirically sucked dry? Apparently, the American elite and the elite bloodlines before them consider this to be the case—in their eyes, they’ve earned their massive benefits a hundred times over because their hard work is for “the greater good.”
The specifications that the elite have made for the public education system, as outlined by researchers like John Taylor Gatto, have clear and well-defined Prussian state indoctrination inspiration. As outlined by Gatto, here are the seven principal inarguable reasons as to why the current school system is completely ineffective and inspired by indoctrination tactics.
1. It confuses the students. It presents an incoherent ensemble of information that the child needs to memorize to stay in school. Apart from the tests and trials, this programming is similar to the television; it fills almost all the “free” time of children. One sees and hears something, only to forget it again.
2. It teaches them to accept their class affiliation.
3. It makes them indifferent.
4. It makes them emotionally dependent.
5. It makes them intellectually dependent.
6. It teaches them a kind of self-confidence that requires constant confirmation by experts (provisional self-esteem).
7. It makes it clear to them that they cannot hide, because they are always supervised.
The true history and corruption of the national education system is something that has been elaborately expanded upon by researchers like Gatto, so this will not be the focus of this article. Instead, the details will turn to the other side of this coin. In the industrial-economic equation, there are only two real positions that people need be groomed for: the workforce, and the management of that workforce. The cookie-cutter for the worker is understood well enough by those who care to look into it, but what about that same type of cookie-cutter, but for this described management of the workers?
Consider the “Ten Schools Admission Organization”(TSAO). Established in 1956, this network of private preparatory schools represents the education of the nation’s most elite children. At these ten schools and many others like it, moguls like the Rockefeller family attend class with America’s most prominent politicians, bankers, economists, federal judges, businessmen, media moguls, actors, screenwriters, directors and a surprising number of legendary sports players and coaches. Here is a list of the schools in the TSAO, with an incredibly brief list of some of the most prominent alumni.
1. Choate Rosemary Hall – John and Joseph Kennedy; Ivanka Trump; and even Michael Douglas
2. Deerfield Academy – David Koch; Mark, Rodman, and Steven Rockefeller
3. The Hill School – General George Patton; Oliver stone; Donald Trump Jr, and Eric Trump
4. The Hotchkiss School – Johnathan and William Bush (brothers of George HW); Forest, John, and Mark, Mars of Mars Inc. food company; Edsel Ford, Henry Ford II, William Clay Ford Sr., William Clay Ford Jr.
5. The Lawrenceville School – Both of Charlie Chaplin’s sons, Malcom Forbes, and Huey lewis
6. Loomis Chaffee – John D Rockefeller III and Winthrop Rockefeller
7. Phillips Academy – George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush; John F. Kennedy Jr. and Patrick Kennedy; actor Humphrey Bogart; and Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes
8. Phillips Exeter Academy – Abraham Lincoln’s son and his great grandson; Allen Dulles; David Rockefeller Jr. and John D Rockefeller; Dwight Eisenhower’s grandson; and Mark Zuckerberg
9. St. Paul’s School – James Garfield; JP Morgan Jr; John Kerry; multiple Vanderbilts; and even Breakfast Club actor, Judd Nelson.
10. Taft School – Not surprisingly, the only super notable alumni here are Tafts, as well as other lesser known names that served prominent roles in society.
Not part of the TSAO, but still a school worth mentioning, is the Sidwell Friends School, in Washington DC, where the daughters of the Clintons attended; where the Obama children currently attend; Bill Nye; Richard Nixon’s daughter; famous aviator Charles Lindberg; Nancy Reagan; Archibald Roosevelt; and, surprisingly, trendy actor John Bernthol, of the television show, “The Walking Dead.”
So, even with the incredible list of names here, a deeper look at alumni lists shows all the prominent names that haven’t been as popular to the public, but have held the most prominent positions in some of the highest echelons of America. Suffice it to say that, quite literally, America’s elite are bred for wealth, esteem, and leadership at these schools, where they can form lasting friendships with the rest of the upcoming American elite. The top dogs of politics, criminal justice, music, acting, media, business, banking, economics and even sports, are all yet again found intermingling for generation upon generation by now. Not surprisingly, these schools have unbelievably tough admission requirements, and the TSAO is considered by many to be outright discriminatory to some groups, such as handicapped children.
This is the world of Post Industry. Whether a person wants to argue that it has been cultivated for hundreds of years of planning—or simply that the country’s wealthiest expertly capitalized on the biggest cultural turning points throughout the country’s history, America’s elite have been breeding the management of society’s peons since at least the 1700s, in the case of Deerfield, for example. This is the separation of the workforce and the worker. Most are bred to keep the economy afloat, and the select few are bred into economic royalty to lord over society, and manufacture its consent. After all this, the biggest question left seems to be: Does anyone really still think that the poor quality of American public education is an accident?
Related Reading: Has Your Education Been Hijacked?
Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Deerfield_alumni, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Choate_Rosemary_Hall_alumni, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Loomis_Chaffee_School_alumni, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Phillips_Exeter_Academy_alumni#1940s, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Hill_School_alumni, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Hotchkiss_School_alumni, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Phillips_Academy_alumni, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Taft_School_alumni, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_St._Paul%27s_School_alumni, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Lawrenceville_School_alumni, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Sidwell_Friends_School_alumni, http://www.tenschools.org/, http://johntaylorgatto.com/, https://deerfield.edu/, http://www.choate.edu/, http://www.andover.edu/Pages/default.aspx, http://www.loomischaffee.org/, http://www.exeter.edu/, http://www.hotchkiss.org/, http://www.thehill.org/RelId/33637/ISvars/default/Home.htm, http://taftschool.org/, http://www.lawrenceville.org/, http://www.sps.edu/Page, http://www.sidwell.edu/