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Poll Shows Millennials Waking Up to 2-Party Paradigm — Scoff at Clinton AND Trump

America’s Millennials are fed up with the duopoly establishment’s politics-as-usual narrative — in fact, just 28 percent of the 18-30 set would be willing to agree the “two major parties do a good job of representing the American people.”

This year’s presidential dog and pony show masquerading as a legitimate election continues to raise the nation’s eyebrows, as the duopoly’s nominees — incidentally, longtime friends — apparently compete to not only tear each other’s character to shreds but to test the limits of Americans’ tolerance.

Donald Trump seems to toe the line of insanity daily with increasingly inflammatory displays of bigotry and outright nonsensical propositions like the whole-scale abandonment of constitutional protections for journalists and construction of an (utterly useless) border wall at Mexico’s expense.

Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, literally conspired her way to win the Democratic nomination through direct manipulation of her mainstream media presstitutes and to the ire of Bernie Sanders’ supporters — all while managing an escape from prosecution for, well, any number of potential crimes in a manner Houdini couldn’t have managed.

Sanders — despite the flagrant betrayal of the party he sought to represent — wimpishly capitulated to Clinton through an endorsement nailing the coffin lid on his own betrayal of the political revolution he once so avidly promoted.

No wonder Millennials have had enough of this farce.

According to a recent poll by GenForward, more than two-thirds of these now-disillusioned young people — including huge percentages of Hispanics, blacks, and Asian-Americans — say the Republican Party does not care about them.

Those minorities feel the same about the Democratic Party, though overall more Millennials, 53 percent, believe that party cares about them.

In past elections — and arguably what led the country to this dilemma of nominating the two least popular candidates in the history of modern polling — minor dislike of a nominee wouldn’t prevent voters from lining up along party lines in the national vote.

This year, however, that default tacit acceptance — long relied on by both parties — isn’t likely to occur.

Three-quarters of young people polled didn’t think Trump should be allowed anywhere near the White House, as he lacks appropriate qualifications for the job; half feel the same way about hawkish Hillary.

Once leaked emails from the DNC proved decisively the Clinton campaign colluded with party insiders and mainstream media to deliver the nomination to the former secretary of state, Trump opportuned the chance to parrot the system and elections are rigged — though it’s unclear whether he grasps what that means.

Nonetheless, this election-rigging — a belief now held by a full 34 percent of all Americans — has so thoroughly disenchanted Millennials, they’re abandoning the two-party paradigm in droves for previously obscure third parties.

Emiliano Vera, a voter from Illinois who found the Democratic Party with Barack Obama’s run for the presidency in 2008, is now seriously considering the Green Party and its nominee, Dr. Jill Stein, according to the Associated Press.

“This is the last straw for me,” Vera, who ideologically supported Sanders this year, asserted the common sentiment.

Though Vera and his friends agree the Dems potentially represent the “lesser evil” this election cycle, the party’s scheming revealed in the DNC leaks, they feel, completely crossed the line.

That ‘lesser evil’ belief in the Democratic Party reflects a longstanding tendency toward the left by the 18-30 age group, but fed up Millennials this year feel the corruption displayed by Clinton and her cohorts is too much to bear.

Fully 43 percent believe Clinton intentionally broke the law in deciding to use a personal email server — 20 percent think she might not have meant to, but still did act illegally.

Apparently proving the futility of political propaganda in the face of blatant corruption and stunning bigotry, more than 70 percent of Millennials don’t view Clinton or Trump as honest and trustworthy.

Third parties perhaps offer less unsavory candidates, but the young people surveyed aren’t necessarily familiar with options like Stein or the Libertarian Party, with nominee Gary Johnson. Nearly 8 in 10 didn’t know enough about Stein to vote for her, and 7 in 10 weren’t familiar with Johnson — but their popularity has increased since the poll was conducted throughout July.

Perhaps 2016 has rightly earned the nickname ‘The Year Americans Found Out the Elections Are Rigged.’ For many of us, this offers a potential sign of hope — maybe, just maybe, swaths of voters will refuse to capitulate for the sake of a fictitious lesser evil. Perhaps, finally, the establishment’s chokehold on U.S. politics is drawing to a close.


Claire Bernish
Born in North Carolina on the first of March in a year not so long ago, Bernish currently resides in San Diego, California. Educated at University of Cincinnati and School of the Art Institute of Chicago, she finds interest in thwarting war propaganda through education, the refugee crisis & related issues, 1st Amendment concerns, ending police brutality, and general government & corporate accountability.

2 Replies to “Poll Shows Millennials Waking Up to 2-Party Paradigm — Scoff at Clinton AND Trump

  1. Great article though you missed giving a reference to the 28% of Millennials
    who are fed up with this phoney 2 party system where there is no choice.

    Many predicted that Sander’s would do exactly what he has done.
    That prediction was no stroke of genius except in a world asleep.

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