Daily Wrap Up

People vs Empire: World Wide Revolution Against Tyranny, Oppression & Zionism Framed As Antisemitism
 Posted on 29 Apr 2024

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it,

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Article of the week

Iran's Response Against Israel Was Calculated, But Not If You Listen To Western Media
 Posted on 15 Apr 2024

On Saturday night, Iran launched what its foreign minister called a "limited" retaliatory strike directly against Israel

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Whitney Webb

The Prince and The Spy
 Posted on 12 May 2023

A TLAV investigation has found that Erik Prince, the man behind the Blackwater mercenary group, recently teamed up with

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Derrick Broze

Are the Violations of Mexican and Iranian Embassies a Sign of a 'New Normal' in Diplomatic Relations?
 Posted on 12 Apr 2024

Recent actions taken by both the Israeli and Ecuadorian governments have called into question the sovereignty and sancti

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US Foreign Policy

People vs Empire: World Wide Revolution Against Tyranny, Oppression & Zionism Framed As Antisemitism
 Posted on 29 Apr 2024

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it,

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Whitney Webb Interview - Manufacturing Bipartisan Consent For Biometric Surveillance
 Posted on 17 Apr 2024

Joining me once again today is TLAV writer and researcher, and founder/editor of Unlimited Hangout, Whitney Webb, here t

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Arab League Holds Emergency Session: Iran And “Terrorist” Hezbollah Must Be Stopped

19 Nov 2017
 Posted by Tyler Durden
0 Comment

Saudi Arabia's foreign minister, in opening remarks to the Arab League today, declared that the kingdom “will not hesitate to defend its national security to keep its people safe” while requesting

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10 Trump Administration Atrocities Going Under-Reported Amid Russia Hysteria

19 Nov 2017
 Posted by Caitlin Johnstone
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The other day I asked my audiences on Facebook and Twitter what they think are some of the most under-reported stories about the awful things the Trump administration has been doing. The Russiagate na

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When Robots Rule The Markets…

18 Nov 2017
 Posted by James Corbett
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The Corbett Report community held a vigorous discussion on the future of Artificial Intelligence this past summer, and the results are in: No one understands the question (myself included).

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WTF Chart Of The Day: America’s Youngest Child Brides & Grooms

18 Nov 2017
 Posted by Tyler Durden
1 Comment

Between 2000 and 2015, at least 207,468 minors were married in the United States. As Statista's Martin Armstrong notes, despite an overall fall in child marriage since 2000 (25,583 to 9,247), there

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FBI Informant Has Video Of Russian Agents With Briefcases Of Bribe Money In Clinton-Uranium Scandal

18 Nov 2017
 Posted by Zero Hedge
1 Comment

An undercover FBI informant in the Russian nuclear industry who was made to sign an “illegal NDA” by former AG Loretta Lynch, claims to have video evidence showing Russian agents with&nb

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Poppy Output Hits Record High As US Troop Surge In Afghanistan Completed

18 Nov 2017
 Posted by Rachel Blevins
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As the opioid crisis breaks records by killing more than 100 Americans every day, opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has reached a record high in 2017. (TFTP) The opioid crisis has killed thousan

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