Are Clinton Insiders Involved in Child Abduction? A Factual Analysis

A conspiracy theory has been promulgated according to which John and Tony Podesta were involved in the abduction of Madeleine McCann. In what follows we will examine the relevant details and provide our final answer on whether the theory has any justificatory merit. Our method will be straightforward and uncontroversial. We will consider only the facts that can Read More…

FBI to Move to “Likely Indictment” Of Clinton Foundation

A new report says the FBI investigation of the Clinton Foundation has taken a “very high priority” after dragging on for over a year in its White Collar Crime Division, and a preponderance of evidence means a forthcoming indictment is “likely.” Two unnamed, separate sources with “intimate knowledge” of the investigation told FOX News’ Bret Baier the FBI is “actively and Read More…