Brave Congressman Explains How US Keeps Afghan Heroin Trade Alive At Your Expense

Congressman Thomas Massie blows the lid off the US subsidized opium trade and taxpayer funds flowing into the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan. This week, President Donald Trump, just like his predecessor Obama, promised to continue the utterly corrupt failure of a brutal occupation that is Afghanistan—despite running on a campaign to end it. Read More…

Military-Industrial Complex Stock Prices Surge After Trump’s Afghan War Speech

After years of repeatedly condemning America’s involvement in Afghanistan, President Trump announced his intention this week to ramp up military operations there. Though Barack Obama adopted the exact same policy shortly after taking office in 2009, imposing a 30,000 troop surge to no avail, Trump is following the same failed path. Despite the president’s repeated vows to Read More…

Frustrated in Syria, US Turns to Ukraine (Again) for its Next Russian Proxy War Gambit

With Ukraine rolling out a murderous ethnic cleansing campaign in its Donbass region on the Russian border, the Russian government has responded with restraint. The new provision of arms to Ukraine by the U.S. will likely change that — and start a proxy war more dangerous than Syria. KIEV, UKRAINE – Just weeks after announcing a plan Read More…

Trump Unveils New, Dramatic Afghanistan Strategy: “We Aren’t Nation-Building Again, We Are Killing Terrorists”

In a widely anticipated national address, President Donald Trump on Monday announced that he will not pull out U.S. troops from Afghanistan, saying he’s committed to a new strategy aimed at winning the nation’s longest war, now in its 17th year. Admitting that his “original instinct was to pull out” of Afghanistan – Trump’s core Read More…

Right Wing Extremists Condemned In Charlottesville, Funded And Armed In Ukraine And Syria

Having backed a right-wing coup in the Ukraine and right-wing terror groups disguised as “moderate rebels” in Syria, U.S. leaders now confront rising right-wing terror at home. They duly condemn it, but seem blind both to their own hypocrisy and to the domestic reverberations of their cynical foreign policies. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA — Though rising tensions Read More…