Anthony Tyler Business Conspiracy Government Outside the Box

Innocent Bystanders United LLC

To talk of people who one is close to would usually lead to speak of family, friends, teachers and the like. They are all direct verbal, aesthetic, energetic replication sequences (what one would call an “entity”) that in turn allow a person to, in the best case scenario, be open about their thoughts and feelings, and allow them to be their true self, however flawed it may be, so that they can in turn witness and understand these things about themselves and, in the best case scenario, learn to “improve” it, so to speak. Human Sociology is holographic in the sense of each and every brain connecting with each other on an interactive Hertz wave-web (the Earth’s magnetic field, perhaps) to create one lone, full concept. Now, the interesting thing about a holographic image is that its information sequence can be divided by however large or small a number and the interference pattern will remain the same, meaning that the holographic image itself will be in no way divided, and in fact entirely whole, and this is inconceivably infinite; i.e. the one is contained in the many, and the many is contained the one, and so forth, and this is how the sum total of all human thoughts is an equivalent to one Earth Thought just like one person’s thought is an equivalent to one full Body Thought. We are all “the many”, and one singular piece of “the many” is an “ego”. So through the holographic concept of self-withdrawal (what the Kabbalah would refer to as “Tzimtzum”), we are able to see the reflection of our self in others so that we may better our self, and so that the other may better their self as well. Within this is more than a reminiscence of the modern wave-particle duality—that the observer has an inherent effect on the observed—that he isn’t necessarily creating the observed, but that he is instead accessing the latent potentiation of the observed in a way that only his fractal ego could, because he is a one in the many and not the sum total of ones—and this process is the creation of the sum total of ones. If any of that made sense, then the concept of Human Sociology as a whole should make at least a little more sense as well, and how all thoughts being one Earth Thought, or one giant interwoven Hertz wave (which is exactly what the planet’s magnetic field is) naturally creates avenues for controlling the many through the one. Or, in other words, accessing and controlling a culture through the Average American…
The Puppet Strings
Regarding the mirror that one can start to see a truer, fuller picture in, it seems to be an assumption (and a false one at that) that the people who affect one’s personal livelihood are really only the people we are aware of—yet, what about the ones that aren’t friends or family or neighbors, but still affect personal life just as much, and in many cases even more so. If one person’s Body Thought can be considered a derivative of (or perhaps a step to) an Earth Thought, then it makes sense that an Earth Thought could be guided just as much as a Body Thought is. And in fact it always is—that’s the inherent nature of existence to begin with—but if it always is, then it would make perfectly logical sense that an Earth “Brain” could be subtlety guided just as the human brain has been shown to be able to be. Notice the word “controlled” was not used. Free Will surely is a law of nature that cannot be broken, but with that being said, a person’s free will can be guided endlessly.

Which leads to the first introduction of the Reflection’s Ensemble: Edward Bernays. Nephew to the neurotic, cocaine-addled Sigmund Freud (who is essentially sharing this spot on the list with him), Bernays seems to have been no less neurotic or addled. Being a wealthy figurehead during the boom of American Capitalism throughout the bulk of the mid-20th century, Bernays used his uncle’s theoretical research on “Crowd Psychology” to found Public Relations in America, which was in fact a creation of Bernays himself. Because of his status at the peak of his career (and because a lot of his theories were exciting and innovative—and oftentimes in retrospect were almost accurate, but with a hearty twist of obscurity thrown it at the end), Freud’s outlandish ideas about the human psyche were bred by a mixture of filthy elitism and the traditional brand of supremacy that seems always to run in the blood of wealthy, white America. Not to mention, Freud’s Oedipus Complex theory is one of the most disturbing, hilarious, and blatant attempts at self-justification ever seen in the scientific community. Through people like his nephew Edward, his daughter Anna Freud, and his great-grandson Matthew Freud in more recent times, Freudian psychology became and continues to be the hottest trend in the American Elite’s Process.

Almost being a sort of disgusting, warped 180 of the legendary Carl Jung, Freud spoke of the incredible danger of the human collective consciousness, and feared that unless tight protocol was administered on the animalistic, neanderthal-esque subconscious of all humans, modern civilization could not continue to exist. This is an important concept to grasp, because due to this, the concepts of subliminal-message marketing, Ad Men and commercials, and Bernays’ philosophical proposed concept of the “Manufactured Consent” of the people have continued to dominate the foundations of our American culture. Coupled with this is what has been commonly known as “Psychotherapy”, which is essentially a good step in a wrong direction. Carefully disguised as a “therapy” to “help people learn to control their negative emotions”, history has shown that these things have been nationally implemented as a way of a subconscious guiding of the masses. While using psychology and shamanic psychiatry are certainly tools for learning more about and helping oneself, psychotherapy made a dangerous twist to the process of “learning” and “helping” oneself, teaching that negative emotions are something that should be locked away and shunned, and scolded. Things like sex and depression and poverty were dirty and barbaric and should not be spoken of unless behind closed doors, and unless people were given a template of mindset to work with, they would be helpless to their negative emotions and animalistic urges.
The Wallet Zipper
But enough of the Freud’s, most of those people are dead now anyway. Ghosts in the machine, still ticking around in human brains but so very far away from them. These days, at least, there are much bigger fish still swimming around out there:

In no way is this a complete list of all these banksters’ offenses, nor is it a complete list of all the banksters, but more or less, say hello to cast of the 2008 Global Economic Crisis:

David Koch – Net Worth of $41 Billion, owning such brands as Brawny paper towels, Stainmaster Carpet, DuPont Chemical, Dixie Cups, and Koch Industries with his brother which provides them with an annual revenue of $100 Billion in crude oil and gas. Despite numerous hazardous spills (resulting in the dumping of millions of gallons of toxic chemicals into open waters), Koch Industries has only been fined $30 Million circa 2012.
Charles Koch – Net Worth of $43 Billion, brother to David Koch. Aside from their corporate endeavors, the Koch brothers have gone to great lengths over the years to directly influence the nation’s government, donating to OVER HALF of the current House of Representatives AND the Senate in 2012, specifically funding the Tea Party movement heavily through programs like Americans for Prosperity and politicians like Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, spear-heading with the dangerous social philosophies and agendas of novelist Ayn Rand (famous for her novel, Atlas Shrugged). The Koch brothers have also been heavily associated with egregious funding to the Libertarian Party as well (Charles’ brother David Koch even ran for presidency as a Libertarian in the 80s).
Steven Schwarzman – Net Worth of $12 Billion. Former Managing Director of Lehman Brothers, and co-founder of Blackstone Group. His apartment on 740 Park Avenue in downtown NYC (formerly owned by John D. Rockefeller Jr.) is 20,000 square feet, with 37 rooms and a total worth of over $30 Million. For his 60th birthday, he had an exact replica of this apartment built inside a hotel, where he paid Rod Stewart $1 Million to perform. In the past he has helped fund George W. Bush and Mitt Romney’s presidential campaigns.

John Thain – Net Worth of $100 Million, the CEO who presided over the downfall of Merrill-Lynch, and a man who made a great deal of money by letting the company’s plunge leak into the pockets of the American citizen.

Henry Paulson – Net Worth of $700 Million, former CEO of Goldman Sachs, and the Treasury Secretary during the 2008 Global Economic Crisis, beginning with the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. Along with Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve, Paulson decided to, instead of buying out Merril-Lynch as Bank of America did, let Lehman Brothers literally collapse into the pockets of the American people. Quoting Wikipedia for its conciseness: “When Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis informed Paulson that Bank of America was exiting the [Merril-Lynch] merger by invoking the ‘Materially Adverse Change’ (MAC) clause, Paulson immediately called Lewis to a meeting in Washington… Paulson told Lewis that he and the board would be replaced if they invoked the MAC clause and additionally not to reveal the extent of the losses to shareholders. Paulson stated to Cuomo’s office that he was directed by Bernanke to threaten Lewis in this manner.”
Frederic Mishkin – This guy’s Net Worth was not easy to pinpoint, but according to an article written in 2010, it was around $6 Million. Governor of the Federal Reserve Board who resigned in the beginning of the crisis in August 2008, to return to his position at Columbia University as an Economics Professor, where he said he urgently needed to produce a new economics text-book.

Timothy Geithner – Net Worth of $2 Million, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 2003 to 2009, and Obama’s Treasury Secretary from 2009 to 2013. Quoting Wikipedia of Geithner in 2008: “Geithner’s position included a large role in directing the Federal Government’s spending on the crisis, including allocation of $350 billion of funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program enacted during the previous administration.”
Ben Bernanke – Net Worth $2 Million, served as chairman of the Federal Reserve from 2006 to 2014. There isn’t really much to say about him that isn’t already blatantly evident—as head of the Fed Reserve during the crisis, he had his hands in literally every little piece of this story in one way or another, some pieces more or less so than others.

Larry Summers – Net Worth of $40 Million, Harvard economics professor and part of the Clinton Administration’s Treasury, Internal Affairs branch. Summers is on this list for continuing to push in the direction where the agenda of Reaganomics had first began (which will be touched on at the end) by fighting to successfully keep economic derivatives deregulated, essentially just opening up every bankster’s capacity for cash flow. When Brooksley E. Born fought beside Mike Greenburger during the Clinton Administration to regulate derivatives due to their high variability, Summers assembled his posse of 13 other bankers and led a conference call to Born, telling her to call the dogs off, because if she didn’t someone else would… (Not a direct quote.)
Scott Talbott – This man’s Net Worth seems to be buried somewhere beneath the surface of the internet, actually, and an accurate number wasn’t sniffed out—not that he really matters in the long run. Talbott was Chief Lobbyist of the Financial Services Roundtable from 1994 to 2013 and, being the top dog of professional bribers, Talbott clearly had his hands in a little bit of everything, ultimately pushing to clear the path for any banksters looking to expand their markets free of consequence.

Robert Rubin – Net Worth of $100 Million, 70th Treasury Secretary, banker at Goldman Sachs for 26 years, eventually making it to the position of co-chairman from 1990-92. During his work with the Clinton Administration, Rubin played a critical role in keeping derivatives dangerously deregulated, a decision Clinton himself has gone on record openly regretting taking Rubin’s advice on. After his time in the government and during the crisis of 2008, Rubin served as director and senior advisor at Citigroup, resigning from the company in January of 2009. During his time at Citigroup, Rubin received $126 Million in cash and stock, up to and throughout the government bailout by the US Treasury.
Bernie Madoff – Bernie’s Net Worth is pretty irrelevant now, and he was the former chairman of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC from 1960 up to his arrest on December 11th 2008. Madoff is now in prison for a conviction of fraud. Madoff’s story is interesting because, although it isn’t much different from any of the other banksters, it’s one of the only stories that is “Declassified”, so to speak. Madoff was simply a pawn that needed to fall for some damage control.

Alan Greenspan – Net Worth of $10 Million, Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1984 to 2006 and one of the main men behind Reaganomics, he also (as if it wasn’t already bad enough) consistently went on record vehemently opposing any regulation of derivatives, claiming that any economic reforms must not inhibit “market flexibility and open competitions”, as they are the cornerstones of our economy, according to Greenspan.

Charles Schumer – Net Worth of $700K, Senator of New York from January 2003, to January of this year of 2015. Schumer is a diabolical fundraiser, and has worked tirelessly with his NY bankster cronies to keep the economy free of regulation, and indeed his fundraising helped blaze the trail for the economic crisis of 2008.

The Shit Kicker
If there’s a cast, there’s probably a story as well. Although it’s not exactly the topic of this article, it’s a safe bet to make that almost every (if not every) American economic crisis has been at its essence, an economic False Flag of sorts, in the sense that they are orchestrated and executed for the specific reasons of specific people, and usually tend to the masses by guiding them to a realm of thought suitable for the specific people with specific reasons. And while these false events are being orchestrated, something else is usually taking place beneath it, as a sort of “wool over the eyes” routine. What the topic of this article is, however, is the fact that the 2008 Global Economic Crisis was in fact an economic false flag operation executed for the purpose of the discreet allocation of money to specific parties for specific reasons, a great deal of which was disclosed above. Not that there is any sort of whistleblowing going on here—there are full documentaries all over the internet (documentaries The Inside Job by Charles Ferguson and Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream by Alex Gibney are heavily cited in this article), as well as entire books written connecting these people, and yet this isn’t something that the majority of Americans seem to be talking about anymore. The middle class is scrambling so much from the damage control that it’s forgetting where the damage has come from! Sure, there’s talk about the Federal Reserve and the pyramid on the dollar bill, and even how US Dollar monetary-worth is totally fake, but what about the specifics! The true grit, the good stuff.

Well, to talk about the 2008 “crisis” is to talk about modern American economics, and to talk about modern American economics, one has to start with the aforementioned “Reaganomics”. With the election of Ronald Reagan brought a great deal of economic reform, which was actually more of a deform if anything else (lest it be forgotten that Reagan was also a notorious propagator of the War on Drugs—which is actually a war on individuals). To give an example George Soros once used to explain the situation with: the economy operates much like an oil tanker traveling across the ocean. In order to keep the oil from gaining any sort of inertia from the outside weather, they build up walls to separate the large shipment, therefore dispersing the energies into smaller, more centralized locations instead of acting as one large, internal rogue wave. With Reagan’s economic reform and what was to follow from future administrations, what the US has before it is an oil tanker out at sea without any separation of shipment—therefore creating an enormous rogue wave within the system, and threatening to capsize the country or at the very least pull it in a direction other than where it’s aiming. And, essentially, the 2008 Global Economic Crisis was the final disassembling of these protective, distributive walls.

Continuing ahead, the 1990’s came with the boom of internet stocks, which was an entirely new, and unregulated field, and this is where derivatives really started to flourish. And for those unfamiliar with the term, words the definition of “derivative” quite well:

Derivative – a contract between two parties which derives its value/price from an underlying asset. The most common types of derivatives are futures, options, forwards and swaps. It is a financial instrument which derives its value/price from the underlying assets. Originally, underlying corpus is first created which can consist of one security or a combination of different securities. The value of the underlying asset is bound to change as the value of the underlying assets keep changing continuously. Generally stocks, bonds, currency, commodities and interest rates form the underlying asset.
Deregulation eventually led to an economic loss of $5 Trillion, with nearly all the big names selling faulty internet stocks in bulk, the purchases falling through completely after the buy because of the inherent trickle-down effect of derivative price embodiment. Fines were filed as such:

Merril-Lynch – $200 Million

Bear Sterns – $80 Million

Credit Suisse – $200 Million

Deutsche Bank – $80 Million

JP Morgan – $80 Million

Lehman Brothers – $80 Million

Morgan Stanley – $125 Million

UBS – $80 Million

Goldmach Sachs – $110 Million

Citigroup – $400 Million
Of the situation, the chief economist of Citigroup since 2010, Willem Buiter, said, “Banking became a pissing contest. ‘Mine’s bigger than yours.’ That sort of stuff.” Between this and the 2008 Crisis itself is an outrageous and egregious laundry list of corruption charges that were just met with fines—fines that were always a significant portion less than what the original corruption helped the banks acquire. (To name just a few, Credit Suisse laundered money for the Iranian nuclear program and was fined $536 Million, Citibank laundered $100 Million in drug money out of Mexico, Merril Lynch and JP Morgan helped Enron conceal fraud, et cetera.)

On September 15th, 2008, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection, and virtually everyone’s stocks in the company globally fell through to nothing. Then as a domino effect, John Thain’s Merril-Lynch threatened to capsize, with Citibank and AIG soon to follow. Bank of America bought out Merril-Lynch to stave off total economic collapse, and Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke (surely just the puppets of greater individuals) denied the foreign company Barclays’ purchase of the bankrupt Lehman Brothers, due to Barclays’ mandatory condition of $30 Million in financial guarantees. Thus, Bernanke and Paulson asked for a $700 Billion government bailout to stave off the collapse, and there wish was granted! At this point, not only was all of Lehman Brothers left to the taxpayers, but so was the entire package of collateral damage that came from the catastrophe.

Not to mention the more tangible problems this created, what we have in one sense or another is a total upheaval of the current class system. What Reaganomics helped solidify was a fourth kind of class, making it (bottom-up) Lower Class, Middle Class, Upper Class, and the Elite Class. What this 2008 economic affair has done (in a sense going along with Soro’s oil tanker analogy) is abolish the Middle Class. And although the effects can clearly already be noted around us, these effects don’t kick into full swing over night—the trickle-down effect is often an extended, ongoing process that can be seen seeping through from all around. Another appropriate, perhaps more staggering assessment of the matter might be, instead of looking at the current class system in this country, looking at the current class systems that these economic events have directly caused in other countries, such as Iraq and Mexico to name only some of the obvious.
The Meditation
And this is why the average American can’t find a job, or has to work two or three! Or they might need food stamps, or have massive student loans, or medical payments, et cetera. One way or another, nearly all Americans are suffering from the lack of money and extraneous amount of debt while these people sit on millions, oftentimes even billions of dollars.

So, here’s the point: think about not only the other people who have directly affected the Body Thought (and why they are affecting it in the first place), but the Earth Thought as well (and, again, why they are affecting it in the first place). Humanity harbors a profound and boundless gift of consciousness—coupled with a capacity for self-awareness that seems to be quite rare in nature—but just because it has the capacity to extend beyond itself and connect with something greater, does not mean it is exempt from the things that are not so great, and in fact are quite grotesque. If one needs to be reminded of the conditions, look at the riots in Greece, the peaceful protests in Egypt, and the total economic anarchy in Venezuela, let alone the atrocities done to innocent Iraqi citizens at the hands of the US. One cannot fault a person for doing what they think is right, but in regards to US Military, it’s high time to start taking an objective view-point approach to what is actually taking place: an oppression of a people. Because this is what’s happening. The very fact of the matter is that in some yonder land, there are people of a completely different land, of a completely different people, religion, and culture, who are controlling the parameters of personal livelihood. Speaking informally for a moment, this writer has had the privilege to speak quite personally with a fellow who had become an American refugee from Iraq, and the quality of life that the American military cultivates for people just like the average American is well past inhumane, quite frankly. So, bringing this rant full circle, whether someone’s living in a dirt shack or a suburban basement, the chances are that they are feeling heat from a tremendous fire that the men listed in this article have propagated, and the day that the West forgets this is the day that we’ll all start living in shacks. And so, lastly, the first step before action in times of Reflection, is Information! Spread the information. If each individual can be poetically described as a piece of Mother Earth’s Thought, then that means each and every individual has a synaptic responsibility to give life to the thoughts they feel are important. After all, each person, no matter how high a Net Worth, is simply a piece of the many; the Earth Thought; the mandala.

Anthony Tyler
A journalist and author from Anchorage, Alaska, Anthony Tyler aims to twist the knife in both phony new-age ideals and scientific materialism by drawing attention to the rich heritage of esoteric science throughout history. Far from being “satanist,” the esoteric (i.e. occultism or comparative religion) marks the beginning of mathematics, astronomy, psychology, medicine, and even politics. Esoteric science represents a cache of little-known knowledge detailing how to decipher the human's unconscious mind--and the unconscious mind is essentially everything that the human mind is not considering at any given moment.

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