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Graham Hancock on Ancient History

Alternative researcher Graham Hancock has been blazing a trail of lectures throughout 2015 in anticipation for his latest anthropological work, “Magicians of the Gods,” which was released on November 10th of this year. Known for his drastically unorthodox take on humankind’s ancient history and his extensive and hands-on approach to his research, Hancock has been considered the godfather of alternative ancient history. This is to say, he offers a uniquely scholastic view of ancient man’s history that is drastically different from what is currently being taught and upheld in the scientific community—as well as in every school. Hancock does not argue that everything being taught is wrong, but simply that the roots of civilization on earth may date back much further than anyone in mainstream science and history would like to consider. More directly, Hancock argues that a great deal of the information “claimed” by the Ancient Aliens camp of postmodern internet researchers is actually more likely evidence for a previously technologically advanced society of humans on Earth that was wiped out due to a time period that is considered by modern science as the Younger-Dryas Cataclysm.

Hancock first postulated this with his novel in the late nineteen-nineties, Fingerprints of the Gods where he further argued the probability of Charles Hapgood’s theory of Earth-crust Displacement in further light of a multiplicity of miscalculations that our ideas of ancient history have been built upon. What can be considered the new sequel to this research, “Magicians of the Gods,” expands on this subject, drawing resources for a strong argument from the fallacies of carbon-dating methodology regarding the Great Pyramids, the mystery of the ancient Gobekli Tepe and its freedom from carbon-dating questions, the ambiguity of ancient Egyptian “historical” accounts, and many transcultural connections between mythologies; such as Plato’s account of his ancestor, Solon’s retelling of the ancient history of Atlantis, the Egyptian mythology that mirrors the story (while not using the word Atlantis, since this does not seem to have ever been an Egyptian term), and a great deal more.

Of his main argument, it is important to understand the allegory of the title “Magicians of the Gods.” Firstly, the discussion of magic is more aptly discussed under the authentic expression of the word as an anthropological characterization of ancient sciences. This ancient science being a sort of codex for the Earth’s astronomical presence and trajectory in the solar system, which has been coined the “Precession of the Equinox” and is the astronomical circumstance that ancient astrology and the watered-down postmodern horoscope have been derived from. The houses of birth signs pertained to the Earth’s location in the solar system in its orbital rotation and its adjacency to the other planets and the Sun—the short explanation being that it calculates the rotation of the Earth’s axis, or the Earth’s “wobble.” A full “year” cycle of the precession is about 26,000 years, meaning that a full astrological “house/year” is about 2,160 years.

The end of the Mayan calendar was not the “end of the world,” but a general calculation by an ancient civilization about the end of their full cycle in the Precession of the Equinoxes. Currently, the Earth is phasing out of the Pisces house of its axial placement, into the beginning of a new 26,000 year-old Precession beginning with the first house, Pisces. Whether one considers this simply a calculation of the Earth’s axis, or as a more spiritual application of “Divination,” or even both, it is important to remember that the house of Pisces stands for much more than just war and anger like people think, and that the future is open to humankind, no matter how the onion is sliced. The reason it is important to understand the precession of the equinoxes is because it is some of the most ancient scientific information that has ever been recorded that still remains verified. The reason for this is because it was considered the essence of the Earth’s “divine” presence—“divine” as in, its intrinsic role in its own environment of the solar system. By its very architecture, the Great Pyramids of Egypt are a Swiss-army-knife of astronomical information; the ultimate connection of humanity to the Earth through every calculated brick laid to create every specific angle. These calculations can be found in the sources cited, and should be considered worth a look.

The next major empirical argument for this mis-step in calculating ancient history is the unreliability of carbon-dating, which has been questioned since its implementation. The most glaring flaw with carbon-dating that has allowed for an ambiguous unraveling of humankind’s past, is the fact that carbon-dating cannot actually date the age of stone, and so the current historical timeline of Ancient Egypt is taken from organic material found in relation to the pyramids—and there is simply no way to scientifically verify where or when this organic material came from, making it empirically irrelevant to any timeline of the pyramids’ construction. The second piece to this argument of a faulty timeline is that many of the widely used sources for chronologically categorizing Egypt are also ambiguous at best; the Egyptian writer Manetho being a good example.

Manetho was the one who compiled Egyptian history into the thirty dynasties, which has been considered a definitive source in Egyptian history. However, Manetho was not focused on the timeline aspect of his writing so much as he was interested in documenting the stories in the history itself, and it has been heavily suggested by alternative scholars that Manetho had a narrative-based chronology and not an actual historical timeline. Not only this, but a great deal of Manetho’s original work has been lost throughout time, and many of his words are taken second-hand from Roman writers (like Eusebius and Africanus) who describe him.

Now let’s bring this back around to what the real timeline could look like, with Gobekli Tepe. Originally discovered in the nineties, this megalithic archaeological site has been considered a watershed event that is much akin to the reformation that quantum theory caused in modern physics. In reference to carbon-dating’s fallacies through the statistical uncertainty of dating nearby organic material, Gobekli Tepe is an enormous underground worship temple that was discovered in Turkey. It is an artificial mound that was created and sealed off by human beings over 12,000 years ago in order to conceal and preserve this structure. The reason that this date of 12,000 years can be validated, is because this organic material found in the temple-of-sorts was originally uncovered in the nineties, and had not been touched since it had been sealed. Footage of the megalithic site, which is fifty-times the size of Stonehenge, can be seen below.

It is noted by associates of Hancock that there is clear and apparent water erosion that can be seen on the Great Sphinx. They hypothesize that the only amount of rainfall that could accumulate to these levels would have been the global flooding that occurred before and after the Younger-Dryas cataclysm due to the ice age that it created. In addition, the date given by Plato for the decimation of the city of Atlantis in the Timaeus and Critias Dialogues, can be considered as the same time period as the Younger-Dryas cataclysm. Granted, the Younger-Dryas is a span of over a thousand years, this is still strangely on point.

Hancock’s grand hypothesis, a synthesis of anthropology, ancient theological texts, and archaeology, suggests this: The “Great Flood” of Christianity and essentially all of history’s theologies is a remembrance of the Younger-Dryas cataclysm, which wiped out what was coined by Plato as “Atlantis,” which was a folklore representation of the pinnacle of an ancient and technologically superior race of humans that were decimated during this cataclysm. Hancock suggests that these massive technological advancements were remnants of advanced human intelligence from this civilization. These humans hoping to relay their ancient, “divine” wisdom of humankind’s connection to the Earth and the solar system around it, to the surviving aborigine cultures across the globe.

This theory concludes that the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx of Egypt were created with specific intentions for the Egyptians, and were the same intentions behind Gobekli Tepe, and were also the intentions behind ancient Mesoamerican pyramidal architecture—as well as the possibility of other locations that have not yet been considered. Lastly, it should be mentioned that these comparisons are drawn from the architectural similarity, the similarities of the timelines, and most importantly, the similarity of theologies.

When so many different cultures’ theologies describe a flood, and then a re-seeding of life and information, and even mirror similar accounts of the same beings that re-seed this life throughout many of these cultures, it certainly begs some interesting questions. Ultimately, it is for each and every individual to make their own decisions with their research, and this article is to serve as nothing more than water to dip the finger into. It’s a very interesting hypothesis for those seeking alternative and more authentic views of history—and for those who might be tired of the commonly peddled “ancient alien” theory, which, if supported by the History Channel, could be considered to have a disinformation agenda. Whatever the true nature of all discussed events and locations, it certainly seems that Graham Hancock and company are onto something interesting to say the least—and regardless of the specifics, it certainly seems that Humankind’s ancient history might have unfolded quite differently than we had previously been taught.


Anthony Tyler
A journalist and author from Anchorage, Alaska, Anthony Tyler aims to twist the knife in both phony new-age ideals and scientific materialism by drawing attention to the rich heritage of esoteric science throughout history. Far from being “satanist,” the esoteric (i.e. occultism or comparative religion) marks the beginning of mathematics, astronomy, psychology, medicine, and even politics. Esoteric science represents a cache of little-known knowledge detailing how to decipher the human's unconscious mind--and the unconscious mind is essentially everything that the human mind is not considering at any given moment.

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