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Germany Admits 1 in 5,000 COVID Vax Has ‘Serious Side Effect’ & Heatwave Hype To Climate Change EO

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/20/22).

As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.



Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

Roe Vs Wade
Hype & Misinfo
Heatwave to Climate Change EO
The Great Reset
Money Game Video

Important TLAV Mask Coverage

Bitcoin Donations Are Appreciated:

Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

13 Replies to “Germany Admits 1 in 5,000 COVID Vax Has ‘Serious Side Effect’ & Heatwave Hype To Climate Change EO

  1. I hate feeling I’m denying a brother who’s asking for support. I would love to donate to TLAV monthy. It’s only fair since I watch all your content. I hope you see the problem with maintaining one’s self respect? I may be an amateur video creator but I’m not an amateur thinker. I stuck my neck out trying to reach YOUR military to make YOUR life better. I’ve never asked for anything that serves me. Every time I try to reach out to TLAV it’s because I’m trying to GIVE. I understand it’s impossible to reply to everyone. Unfortunately I think of things that nobody else does & Instead of making the world better I’m universally ignored.

    Video#13- How to get millions to ditch smart phones- IGNORED.

    Video #20- How to expand the audience base of independent media- IGNORED.

    Video #22- How to get US troops to apprehend “young global leaders” & put them on trial for treason & genocide – Ignore this too if you want. It’s not me you are hurting.

    1. Sorry if you feel neglected Rick. But this comment reflects more on you than anyone else. Sorry that I was not able to give you the attention you feel you deserve. Despite all I do, and the million directions I am pulled in, and the thousands of other letters, emails and DMs, and my show, my site, my editing, etc., in your eyes, apparently I failed. I am simply incapable of responding to all of it, as I often point out, and you even seem to have heard (even though I desperately want to, all alone back here). By they way, I sadly never even saw the things you say you sent – such is the nature of my position at the moment, not by choice. But feel free to blame me anyway, most do. Thank you for the feedback.

  2. the German ministry of health has updated their twitter warning about the 1:5000 chance of serious adverse events:

    they now admit that there are 1,7 adverse reactions per 1000 vacine doses and 0,2 serious adverse reaction per 1000 vaccine doses.

    All the best from Germany


  3. Tony Heller, about the “record breaking heat”:

    The powers that should not be, may be taking advantage of the new Sun spot cycle ramping up. I followed Sun spot counts for a few years, comparing to my actual weather. I even wrote to science experts around 2004, and discovered others had noticed what I did. The more Sun spots, the more energy for hurricanes, but also more sunshine and less clouds.
    Apparently when the Sun puts out more energy, it deflects more cosmic rays, which are thought to trigger cloud formation. There is a doubling effect to more Sun spots and heat waves. More direct energy hitting Earth, warming from within, and less clouds reflecting Sunlight. In winter though, less clouds can mean colder temperatures. There also seems to be more volcanic activity when the Sun is more active. I think much of the Suns heating of Earth is not simply Sunlight heating of the surface, trapped by the atmosphere(NOT CO2), but is from energy that warms the Earth from the inside.

    In any case, this is normal unremarkable expected global weather, being hyped to cover up some of the death jab effects, and to instill more fear porn to move their NWO agendas forward.

    Considering what the clot shots do, no one should be surprised to see an increase in deaths, from heat stresses….or any other stress for that matter. Also the continued injections of more and more DNA contamination injections, ALONE, is increasing the death rate. Seems like all one needs do is get their heart pumping faster and harder and more of the kill shot damages emerge; no matter if from over heating or exercising, or even having a bad dream???

    I should point out that pavement gets much hotter than the air temperature, and certainly gets soft…melted? Maybe, but not from the air temperature alone.

    It is very warm here today, for Nova Scotia, and for a few more days yet, it looks like. Normal for some summers and cycles though.

  4. Yeah this is a bunch of hoo-haa. I grew up in the mid Atlantic decades ago and I’m not seeing anything noticeably hotter than then.

    Also, heat doesn’t cause fires, drought does, which is why never once did the land around me growing up just catch fire. Because its wet. It rains there too.

    And this is why fire season is longer in CA, because of the lack of rain, not the heat.

    This may seem petty, but these are the ways people are kept confused. They report one thing as the cause when it’s something else and then run with that reason, so people are just starting off on the wrong path.

    I played summer football in 100+ heat and I dont recall one student ever having an issue. I remember my mother saying if I had to take a piss break, I was not working hard enough, I should be sweating it out all day.

    The temperature isn’t the issue, it’s pollution, forever chemicals, plastic in everyone, pharmaceuticals in the water, pollution is the issue, but they won’t deal with that so they blame us and our chainsaws.

  5. Thank you for putting all those links. I hope you have good workflow for that.

    Btw. If you are on Widows, Windows Key + V opens Clipboard history. I find it quite useful when copying and pasting multiple links.

  6. Hello Ryan, I love what you do and watch the dayly wrap up regularly. The research and links to the studies are priceless for my argumentations in the New World Order crazyness. I live in Germany and I wanted to share that the German health dpartment has removed the tweet about the 1:5000 chance of serious adverse events stating that it was a misinterpretation of the numbers. Now they are saying that they meant to communicate 1:5000 chance of an adverse event and that the serious adverse events are very rare. Here is the link to the statement on msm in Germany today (sorry it´s only in German):
    Keep up the good work. Cheers, Martin

  7. Here is the translation of the new Tweet from the 20th of July:
    “In a tweet from the 20. of July we used a wrong wording regarding the announcement of suspected cases to the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute.” Further they state: “The rate of reports concerns all suspected cases, which means that a causative correlation with the vaxxination has not been verified with the reporting of a suspected case, but merely a timely connection has been established.”
    Think of it what you may. I think there must be people at the health department who try to communicate the truth, but other forces in higher ranks are trying to put a lid ion it. I fear the person who wrote the first tweet is bound to loos his job. Just my opinion as you always say. Welcome to the new dictatorship in a more and more fashist Germany I thought I would never see again. Love and peace Martin

    There is NO such thing as ‘Fossil Fuel’ :
    Carbon Dioxide is NOT a cause of climate :
    CO2 levels were historically higher PRIOR to Human association :
    even Wiki can’t hide facts; Global Temps were almost 4 dgs HOTTER during Roman Age WITHOUT INDUSTRY!?
    Polar Bear Population increasing, sorry for the ‘inconveniant truth’ :

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