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Clearing Up The Half-Truths Of “Pizzagate” & Political Blackmail

With many recent headlines suggesting upcoming warfare in Syria, research trends like the investigation that has become known as “Pizzagate,” are quickly falling by the wayside. The investigation currently rests heavily on speculation and circumstantial evidence. Yet, this speculation and circumstance has been cultivated from a certain thread of undeniable facts involving political sex blackmail at the highest levels. Which is why the only thing being asked for in regards to this case, is that an official investigation be conducted, and there is more than enough to justify such an investigation; Ben Swann came to a similar conclusion.

Yet, there are many threads within this line of research that suggest not only misinformation, but intentional sabotage by the very individuals meant to protect the people from such atrocities. Which is why it is absolutely imperative, given the severity of these allegations, that those genuine in their intent to expose this malevolent sub-culture existing within our own, hold true to the data points that cannot be dismissed as mere speculation. This is of course referring to the Podesta emails, Comet Ping Pong and James Alefantis. All of which are certainly relevant, and even damning, yet cannot be proven, hence, must not be the focus lest the speculation continue drowning out that which should have the culpable individuals in chains

The Last American Vagabond has reached out to researchers such as Tim Tate and Josh Zeman, both of whom are involved in similar degrees of political blackmail research. These two are not inclined to give Pizzagate the time of day, likely due to its currently heavy, and likely orchestrated reliance on the unproven points mentioned above. Driven by disingenuous researchers such as David Seaman, the ongoing “research” of those intent on misleading is careful to never stray from the currently unproven and wholly emotional data points. All while there are highly damning and entirely verifiable connections that are completely ignored, ask yourself why?

While anyone can set this aside as the mere voices of two men, it is of importance to note that these two names (Tate especially, in this case) have helped pioneer modern research into these matters, and their critiques should not be taken lightly. The main critique is the lack of validity of the evidence found in the Podesta emails, which does not mean that what was found is not important, or not incriminating, it simply means that, at its current state, all that can be ascertained from the emails is that there is a code being used, but not what that code is actually referring to. Yet, when taken into consideration with all the other data points, it becomes hard to ignore. Beyond these emails however (which are still very strange, either way), there are other noteworthy points that are still unaccounted for in this field of research.

(Tim Tate’s banned documentary made for Discovery Channel: Conspiracy of Silence)

It should be stated that illicit and arranged sexual encounters coupled with blackmail capability are, and have nearly always been, an essential function of backdoor politics. This is such an obviously credible statement, that any sensible detective in largely populated areas could tell you as much. Case in point, consider former NYPD Vice Detective Jim Rothstein.

His career began with the investigation of sex crimes and drugs on the streets of New York. This eventually led him throughout the decades to his own verifiable documentation of sex blackmail and backdoor politics that had infiltrated levels as high as the United Nations. Again, this is not a conspiracy theory, it is a function of government at this point. The idea of child prostitution/pedophilia is also, unfortunately, a heavily documented and reoccurring theme—but is only one aspect of these blackmail tactics. Sex of any kind can be used to blackmail someone if the person is put in a “socially compromising” position.

With this out of the way, Pizzagate in specific can be addressed further. In a discussion with Jim Rothstein about his brief statements of the Pizzagate theory (among many other things), Rothstein elaborated with great detail what he had previously mentioned in an interview with James Fetzer. Rothstein’s overall perspective was this: the theory surrounding the Podesta emails seems incredibly viable at face-value—and there are still certain pieces of evidence that lend credibility to the skeletal framework of research that eventually morphed into Pizzagate (which are unrelated to the Podesta emails and will be addressed momentarily). However, the main point is that the Podesta emails are ultimately circumstantial, while sources like Jim Rothstein are living embodiments of far-reaching primary source material with even larger implications.


While the former detective has been enjoying a certain sense of retirement for some time now (his work never being done entirely), he still remains alive and well, and speaking with journalists. Clearly, there is some sort of informational disconnect here. It is a mark of improvement that the Pizzagate theory helped more people understand the basic methodologies and protocol of these blackmail networks, but what it has ultimately done is obfuscate the difference between primary source material and lesser sources in the mind of the common public. Yes, Pizzagate as an overarching social statement has become nothing more than a “limited hangout,” a “red-herring,” or whatever phrase one should choose, and chasing down this trail is like following a carrot tied to a stick. This seems evident enough, and even the most voracious of Pizzagate researchers must be feeling momentum give and the dust settle. There will never, ever, in this current political structure, be a trial for the “crimes of Pizzagate.” Ever. As even those “on the side of good,” (whatever that means in modern politics) will never allow this to fully come out, as it would effectively bring down the proverbial house, on both sides of the aisle, and that will never be allowed. 

However, the FBI is still reportedly looking into a variety of cases that have helped fuel research into this investigation, such as the Anthony Weiner emails, Laura Silsby and the Clinton Foundation, and, of course, allegations persist that both of the Podestas are heavily involved in this network of sex blackmail. And throughout these cases there has been an incredibly long history of journalists being harassed and even mysteriously dying, two facts of which persist to this day. Yet, are the Podestas teaming up with the Clinton Foundation, James Alefantis, and Comet Ping-Pong to lock children in a basement-dungeon to be stowed away as party-favors for whenever they have their extravagant pizza joint “Eyes Wide Shut” parties? As anything is certainly possible, this clearly seems to be an exaggerated narrative designed to cast doubt on a very serious topic, yet is likely based around some level of validity. Which is why the mainstream media went into hyperdrive to discredit and intentionally omit damning facts about what they claim is a “far-fetched conspiracy theory.” 

The deeper truth of the matter might just be that the Podestas, Clintons, Weiner, and Alefantis all enjoy some type of odd sexual proclivities and are very concerned about the public finding out (some more concerned than others)—and bohemian-themed sex parties (bohemian in the traditional sense of the word) are never out of the question when dealing with the rich and powerful. A researcher does not need children in a basement or a pizza joint cover-story to consider the likelihood that these characters are involved with certain scandalous activities, possibly under different circumstances. Certainly, it has been proven with documentation that the Clinton Foundation has been involved with what can hardly be anything other than smuggling children into the country for some ulterior motives of some kind, and both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump have been heavily implicated in their own sex scandals over time—the most recent of which involving both men with felon Jeffrey Epstein.

At this point, the only thing really left considering is this: How did this “Pizzagate” carrot become tied to the stick, and who or what dangled it in front of the public?

WikiLeaks only releases documents given to them, and while there are some interesting running theories as to who gave the Podesta emails to Assange, no one knows for certain. Given the incredible amount of data in the release, it is highly doubtful that this leak would have been done directly because of any codewords in the emails, whether these code words hint to sex blackmail activity or some other scandal entirely. The idea that codewords are used within these emails does not seem implausible, and seems fairly evident. The specificity of the code is a bit more open to speculation. It is entirely possible that the Podesta emails could have been leaked by an altruistic “whistleblower,” with designs to expose exactly what has been revealed, but it is at least equally possible that these emails were leaked by someone in a direct position of power that had been given an order from someone else who wanted a dirty spotlight to cast on James Alefantis, Anthony Weiner, Hilary Clinton, John and Joe Podesta, et cetera. Even though Alefantis is not a politician, his stature in Washington DC and his colleagues surely make him powerful enough to consider blackmailing—and, surely, he felt he had something to lose since he so vigorously and voraciously contacted researcher Ryan O’Neal about research done into the Pizzagate theory on Voat.

It is also of interest to note the level of low-key leverage the Trump campaign subsequently gained from these emails that scathed Clinton and her cronies. Whether this was the intention of the email leaks, it is certainly a consequence of them. It’s also not unfair to say that a large portion of the independent media and activist groups were anxiously awaiting Trump’s supposed crackdown on political sex blackmail and the results of his isolationist mentality, only to see Trump completely ignore any Pizzagate research, and continue forward with traditional American imperialism in the Middle East. It is almost as if Pizzagate were some sort of hook-and-bait for the more radically-minded citizens while Trump situated himself into office. Again, whether this was a direct intention or not, it certainly does seem to be a consequence that has unfolded.

In any case, everyone can rest assured that political sex blackmail is still a thriving industry, that President Trump will do nothing about it, and that Pizzagate will never gain any more momentum than it somehow managed to already acquire, until we see a drastic change. With the rest of the world considering warfare, backdoor politics will remain … at the back. It seems likely that, for whoever wanted those emails released, the leak has now run its course and served its purpose, and will eventually fall back into the annals of media lore like basically everything tends to do.

Instead of hunching over computers, bending hell to bring all political pedophiles to justice in one swoop and “ending political sex blackmail,” a more realistic approach presents itself. Wherever politics in the postmodern day is concerned, sex blackmail is involved to some extent, and—more or less—these categories can hardly ever be separated. Even in the grand scheme of the word “politics,” is a wife catching her husband in an affair, and getting a new car out of it, not the same age-old concept? Thus, if society settles for this type of corrupt political culture, it will also have to settle for the increased capacity for these dirty functions that comes along with it—and all that can be done is assess the situations on a case by case basis. Certainly, no one should settle for any scandalous activity from a politician, and there should especially be no settling when it comes to sex crimes, but until humanity does away with government, or finds the Platonic Ideal of the noble Philosopher-King, the capacity for these heinous acts in society will always remain; and remain just behind the scenes.


Anthony Tyler
A journalist and author from Anchorage, Alaska, Anthony Tyler aims to twist the knife in both phony new-age ideals and scientific materialism by drawing attention to the rich heritage of esoteric science throughout history. Far from being “satanist,” the esoteric (i.e. occultism or comparative religion) marks the beginning of mathematics, astronomy, psychology, medicine, and even politics. Esoteric science represents a cache of little-known knowledge detailing how to decipher the human's unconscious mind--and the unconscious mind is essentially everything that the human mind is not considering at any given moment.

4 Replies to “Clearing Up The Half-Truths Of “Pizzagate” & Political Blackmail

  1. There have been plenty of pedophile rings busted since Trump has been in office, most notably in California. Also any significant Trump and Jeff Epstein connection was a false claim, where as the ties with Clinton are apparent. I’m not a Trump fan but I’ll give credit where credit is due

  2. Excellent article and please also note that sex and blackmail is not limited to just America. Seems it happens everywhere and (something I DO NOT understand) it appears that pedophilia is now much more prevalent. In the old days a politician having an extramarital affair was grounds for divorce and even political sabotage. Pedophilia is the new taboo?? I really do not understand why anyone would want to have sex with a child. I also wonder if a politician is drugged maybe the extortionists throw a child in bed and take video or photos. If that were me, I would scream at the top of my lungs that I was set up. However many, or so it would seem, are too weak to face the music and allow the criminals to have them on the wire.As a side note, I was once a successful person in the entertainment industry and unfortunately I pissed off some very powerful people. A woman was ‘put’ on me and she managed to squirm her way into my life and became pregnant.Claiming she had no place to go, no friends and hated her family, well… I married her. I thought I could save her! 4 years later I discovered she was a prostitute and very connected to people in high places. She, I believe, was a Brownstone Operation at a hotel in Toronto across the street from where Ottawa politicians stayed (it was government apartments) when in Toronto on business. Some small scandals came out about those politicians using their expense account for ‘extras’ they spent at the hotel across the street but it was covered up quick even though everyone knew about the call girls in the downstairs bar.This hotel also used to headquarters for the Toronto Film Festival up until me going in and asking questions. It is no longer in existence.
    Canada is pretty damn lame for exposing anything. It sickens me. As for my life, it was wiped out. I had surveillance, death threats and tons of harassment and blacklisting.
    The name of that hotel was the Sutton Place Hotel but be warned, nothing will come up about any of the dirty deeds that took place there.
    p.s. No, I had no idea she was in that line of work and not til after did others confirm for me that she was doing this, In Paris, at a hotel!! That hotel had a very interesting clientele. Mostly rich Arabic diplomats and businessmen stayed there as it was just off the Champs Elysee and was within walking distance to most of the Arab countries embassies

  3. Your article has a dismissive air of doubt , while writing..”This is of course referring to the Podesta emails, Comet Ping Pong and James Alefantis. All of which are certainly relevant, and even damning, yet cannot be proven, hence, must not be the focus lest the speculation continue drowning out that which should have the culpable individuals in chains. ”

    Have you read the Podesta emails? Did you give any thought as to why John Podesta writes so frequently of pizza? His friends do as well ……and the different sauces? Strains credulity. And entertainment for a cook out is small children in a rather chilly pool? I think the writer strains credulity.

    1. You reveal your lack of due diligence by even asking “Have you read the Podesta emails?” Or asking “have you given any thought” to them? TLAV was writing about pizzagate before it was called pizzagate. And after the emails came out, we covered them extensively, and to this day still point out how damning they are, just as the author you are taking out of context here, does as well. What he is saying in that passage, is that as obviously suspect and important those emails are, they do not ultimately prove anything to the average person. They are wildly relevant, and show very clearly that code is being used, but by themselves are just interpretations of obvious oddities. One could claim (despite what we know about what those odd words are code for) that they were in fact speaking in code about anything. Again, based on all the other evidence, outside the emails, it is quite clear what they were referring to, but to the average individual, it’s conjecture. So what the author is pointing out, is that since the emails by themselevs cannot be proven to mean what we know they mean, they should not be the focus, as they are a means of discrediting the attempts to demonstrate Podesta’s guilt. And in a side note, in my opinion, the emails were after the fact being used by controlled opposition to keep people only focused on the emails, in an attempt to make it seem as though the entirety of pizzagate was only about Podesta’s emails, which is wildly false, as the emails are only one part, and not even where it began. Although to most, they mistakenly think it began with the emails. Just read that last part you quoted, “must not be the focus lest the speculation continue drowning out that which should have the culpable individuals in chains.” How is that not clear? Not that Podesta is innocent, not that the emails are unimportant, or even false, only that they cannot be the focus, because they cannot be proven, all while there are things at this very moment that “should have the culpable in chains” meaning provable crimes that could have them in prison, right now, yet far too many stay focused on what can never be proven, despite being obviously damning.

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