Government Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy Politics Propaganda Social Change Top News

The Return Of Watch-Lists: Left And Right Resort To McCarthy Era Tactics Following US Election

Since the contentious US election, some on both sides of the divide have taken to making “watch-lists” to intimidate or censor their opposition. Though the US election ended weeks ago, liberals and conservatives alike have stooped to new lows in order to intimidate or censor those with view contrary to their own. In a bizarre Read More…

Censorship Conspiracy Domestic Policy Government Politics Propaganda Revolution Social Change Top News

Less Than 1 In 3 Trust Mainstream Media, Martin Armstrong Warns “Their End Is Near”

Gallup first began asking if Americans trusted the mainstream media in 1972. America’s trust and confidence in mainstream media stood at its highest level back in 1976 at 72%. Of course, that was due to the investigative journalism regarding Vietnam, and naturally Woodward and Berstein, with the Watergate scandal. Following that period, the media began to attack Read More…

fake news
Censorship Conspiracy Constitutional Rights cyberwarfare Domestic Policy Government Police State Propaganda Psychological Operations Revolution Top News

When Fake News Gets People Killed, It Must Be Stopped

Most of the time, the president says things we more or less agree with. When he says things along the lines of attacks on civilians must be stopped, of course, we all approve. How can we not? The only problem is that usually, he is only applying those standards to uncooperative governments and never to Read More…

Censorship Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy Government Propaganda Social Change Top News

Here’s Why “Fake News” Sites Are Dangerous

Here is your daily mantra: “narrow the range of thought, narrow the range of thought.” Exposing elites who run the world? Exposing pedophile networks? Documenting the lies and fabrications of major media? Laying bare the manipulations of Globalists? Revealing the crimes of both major political parties in America? Uncovering the spread of pharmaceutical devastation? Tracking Read More…

corporate media
Top News Propaganda

How Fake News Spreads — Corporate Media Spread Story of ‘Active Shooter’ During a Knife Attack

For all the noise out of the mainstream corporate media about “fake news,” it didn’t take long for a mass knife attack at Ohio State University on Monday morning to morph into widespread reporting of an “active shooter.” Initial reports, echoed across the corporate media landscape, described the attack as a shooting — when in Read More…

WikiLeaks Article Revival Conspiracy Featured Government Hacktivism Propaganda Top News

Wikileaks Thought To Be Compromised – Staged #ProofofLife?

The truth is, we don’t live in a world where seeing is believing. If something is digital, it is easily editable, just like if something is connected to the Internet, it is hackable. So… where is Julian Assange? How do we know if anything we are being told is real here? Where is the proof Read More…