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Big Pharma Company Caught Faking Cancer Patients To Sell Deadly Opioid Drugs

It’s no secret that many pharmaceutical drugs have life-threatening side effects, but oftentimes they aren’t discussed when the medication is being prescribed to the patient. It’s important that, when taking any pharmaceutical drug, you weigh the pros and cons of taking the drug, because when it comes to pharmaceuticals, the benefits don’t always outweigh the Read More…

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Venezuela Just Officially Stopped Accepting Dollars For Oil Payments

Did the doomsday clock on the petrodollar (and implicitly US hegemony) just tick one more minute closer to midnight? Apparently confirming what President Maduro had warned following the recent US sanctions, The Wall Street Journal reports that Venezuela has officially stopped accepting US Dollars as payment for its crude oil exports. As we previously noted, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Read More…

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The World Can See The Major Flaw In US Foreign Policy, But Can Americans?

In an interview with RT in 2015, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad uttered perhaps one of his most intriguing statements since the Syrian conflict erupted in 2011. Assad stated: “Western propaganda has, from the very beginning, been about the cause of the problem being the president. Why? Because they want to portray the whole problem in Syria lies in one individual; Read More…

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Secret Reagan Documents Shed Light On US Manipulation Of Foreign Governments

“Secret” documents from the Reagan administration show how the U.S. embedded “political action,” i.e., the manipulation of foreign governments, in ostensibly well-meaning organizations, reports Robert Parry. “Secret” documents, recently declassified by the Reagan presidential library, reveal senior White House officials reengaging a former CIA “proprietary,” The Asia Foundation, in “political action,” an intelligence term of Read More…

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Pentagon Falsifies Paperwork To Keep Syrian Rebels Armed With Quasi-Covert Program

In shades of Iran-Contra, the Pentagon will be stepping in for the CIA as arms supplier for the “moderate rebels” in Syria. The CIA program was covert, and the Pentagon’s follows suit by falsifying paperwork to mask the destination of the weaponry, as revealed by a new report from two watchdogs. On July 19, the Read More…

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Silence From #TheResistance As Senate Votes To Maintain Trump’s War Powers

The US Senate recently voted by a nearly two-to-one margin to kill Senator Rand Paul’s amendment to end the 16 year-old Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) which has been used to justify disastrous US military interventionism in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia. It can in theory be used to justify continued military Read More…