Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Matt is the founder of The Free Thought Project.
Top News Conspiracy Politics

High-Level Judge & Fmr Trump Campaign Chair Sentenced To Prison For Sex Trafficking Children

A top level judge who used his position of authority to prey on young girls has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for dozens of counts of child trafficking and sex abuse. Newport, KY — (TFTP) Former District Court Judge and school board member Tim Nolan plead guilty to 21 counts of human trafficking in Read More…

Social Engineering Politics Top News

Just Like Obama, Trump’s Warmongering Just Got Him Nominated For The Nobel Peace Prize

Just like his predecessor Obama, who laid waste to civilian lives across the Middle East Donald Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Prize for Peace. (TFTP) In the Orwellian police state that is America, truth is easily stranger than fiction and Donald Trump’s nomination for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize proves it. After a Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Social Engineering

23 Child Advocacy Groups Find YouTube Illegally Spying On And Tracking Kids As Young As 6

(TFTP) As YouTube cracks down on peaceful channels, censors alternative media, and allows child exploitation videos to flourish, a coalition of 23 child advocacy group has come forward with damning claims against Google’s behemoth video hosting site. Citing multiple violations of child protection laws, the coalition has filed a complaint with the US Federal Trade Commission to expose them. Read More…

Psychological Operations Conspiracy Foreign Policy Government Politics Propaganda Social Engineering Top News World

Coincidence? Every Time the US Threatens To Pull Out Of Syria, Assad Uses Chemical Weapons

For the second time in a year, immediately after the US says they are going to pull out of Syria, Assad conveniently gasses his own people to make sure that won’t happen. (TFTP) Late Saturday night, the mainstream media began spreading the news of an alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria. It was reported Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Domestic Policy Government Human Rights Marijuana Movement Police State Politics Social Engineering

New Memo To Prosecutors Reveals Law Allowing Gov’t To Execute Legal Marijuana Growers

Jeff Sessions’ latest memo pushes prosecutors to seek the death penalty against drug dealers, including the ability of the government to execute owners of completely legal marijuana businesses. Seriously. (TFTP) To make America great again, Donald Trump announced last month that he will be moving forward with his plan to execute people for selling drugs. Read More…

Top News Article of the week Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Government Police State Social Engineering Technology

The Personal Data Google Has On You Is Shocking & Dwarfs That Of Facebook, Here’s How To Stop It

(TFTP) As TFTP reported last week, it was revealed that both the Obama campaign and the Trump campaign used third-party integrations to collect private information on millions of unsuspecting Facebook users. The resultant scandal has sent Facebook’s stock tumbling as well as created a firestorm for Mark Zuckerberg and his fellow data miners. Remaining conveniently out of Read More…