Last year, Meagan and Brandon Holt’s daughter Maddie, who suffers from a rare and debilitating disease called Zellweger Syndrome, was given only a short time to live, and her family was forced to do what no family can ever imagine – put a 2-year-old in Hospice care. Maddie is deaf and blind, and entirely dependent Read More…
Matt Agorist
Cops Caught on Camera in Cowardly Gang-Style Beating of an Unarmed Man Lying Face Down
Marion County, FL — In August of 2014, multiple deputies with the Marion County Sheriff’s office conducted a drug bust. During the bust, Derrick Price ran from deputies Jesse Terrell, Trevor Fitzgerald, James Amideo, Cody Hoppel and Adam Crawford. However, once he realized he could not outrun the pickup truck, he quickly stopped, put his hands up, Read More…
Horrifying Video Shows Cops Sic K-9 on Bystander’s Infant Daughter
Henderson, NV — On January 30, 2015, a health food store in Henderson called the police after a disgruntled customer, attempting to return some protein powder, allegedly threatened to rob them. The store described the suspect to police as a black male wearing a black and tan t-shirt who left in an SUV. As police responded Read More…
Mom Arrested for Felony Child Endangerment for Treating Her Own Disease with Cannabis
Weber County, UT — Enedina Stanger is a wife, a mother of two, and now, thanks to the state of Utah, a convict. She also suffers from a rare genetic disorder called Ehlers-Danlo Syndrome (EDS). Stanger, who relies on a wheelchair to move around, has been battling EDS for most of her life. Stanger’s EDS causes her excruciating pain because Read More…
San Bernardino Shooters Recently Visited Saudi Arabia, Talked to ISIS Members on FBI Watch List
San Bernardino, CA — A tragic mass shooting in San Bernardino, California unfolded Wednesday and ended when the two suspects were killed by police. In total 14 innocent people were murdered at the hands of two shooters, with 21 more left injured. New information has just been released tying these two shooters, Syed Rizwan Farook and Read More…
5 Critical Stories the Mainstream Media Buried Under the Personal Life of Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen announced earlier this week on the Today show that he is HIV positive. Since that announcement, Sheen’s face has been plastered across newspapers, magazines, televisions and computer screens as the mainstream media obsesses over this single individual. Why this obsession with Charlie Sheen? His life is no more important than anyone else’s life, yet Read More…