Child sex trafficking is an epidemic today, and while most people would find this crime to be right up there with homicide, the culture of permissiveness and lack of moral leadership tacitly condones the sexual abuse of children, while the media remains largely silent. It baffles the mind of any normal human being, and while Read More…
Isaac Davis
Human Trafficking Is Off The Charts, So Texas State Attorney General Produced A Documentary To Alert The Public
Will 2018 be the year that human trafficking and sex-trafficking finally gets the attention it deserves from the public and from those in government who are actually there to serve and protect? Human trafficking is much more common than people want to believe, and in just about every city and town in America there is Read More…
2017 Proves To Have Been A Banner Year For The Military Industrial Complex
We live in an era when a Nobel Peace Prize winner can oversee 8 years of war, thousands of extrajudicial drone bombings and killing of innocent people, and no one calls into question the credentials of the Nobel organization. As the Obama presidency came to its end, many hoped that we may see a turn for the Read More…
The 5 Cartels That Rule America And The World
Americans have been programmed to fight amongst themselves along partisan political lines, always pointing the finger at the other side of the phony left-right paradigm. Divide and conquer is the broad tactic being used to keep people from recognizing, focusing on, and targeting the truly diabolical agents in our world who hold real power over Read More…
Catalonia Violence A Graphic Reminder That Statism Is Violence
“Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.” -H. L. Mencken Although the word democracy carries great weight with civilized people, the truly virtuous in our world are forced to acknowledge the truth about even democratic statism: the fundamental characteristic of government is uncivilized force and brutal violence. All too often we Read More…
10 Secrets About America That Will Make You Wonder Where All The Freedom Went
It’s no secret the definition of ‘freedom’ in America has changed a great deal in recent decades. While 9/11 was a major turning point, setting in motion a slew of changes to the American mindset and to the legal framework which governs the contract between the State and the people, our natural rights have been under Read More…