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Alberta Accidentally Posts (Then Deletes) Data Showing Over Half Of Vaxed Deaths Counted As Unvaxed

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/24/22).

As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.


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Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

13 Replies to “Alberta Accidentally Posts (Then Deletes) Data Showing Over Half Of Vaxed Deaths Counted As Unvaxed

  1. Exceptional video. Thank you Ryan. Must admit I did burst out laughing at those idiots who posted the Switzerland data when you were talking about the Scotland data, and how you handled their utter nonsense and irrationality… ! That distribution or covid cases relative to time since jab is an excellent point to raise…. Currently trying to get my head around whether that kind of phenomenon explains (in addition to the many points we’ve made before) why the UK overall per 100000 can sometimes show marginally better for vaxxed versus unvaxxed for some subsets, rather than all showing worse per 100000 in all the categories for the vaxxed in Scotland…. Definitely feels there’s some game being played like the Alberta data discussion. Prof Norman Fenton’s analyses were kind of pointing towards this, but maybe the covid cases time since jab adds yet more or validates this further?
    Thanks again

  2. About the Ben Norton from the greyzone i see things very simple. let me help you guys out to connect the dots
    Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights link:

    Article 6 – Consent

    1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.

    2. Scientific research should only be carried out with the prior, free, express and informed consent of the person concerned. The information should be adequate, provided in a comprehensible form and should include modalities for withdrawal of consent. Consent may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without any disadvantage or prejudice. Exceptions to this principle should be made only in accordance with ethical and legal standards adopted by States, consistent with the principles and provisions set out in this Declaration, in particular in Article 27, and international human rights law.

    3. In appropriate cases of research carried out on a group of persons or a community, additional agreement of the legal representatives of the group or community concerned may be sought. In no case should a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual’s informed consent.

    Anti-vaxxer according to the new edited diccionaries link

    Definition of anti-vaxxer
    : a person who opposes the use of vaccines or regulations mandating vaccination

    so its clean. if you dont consider yourself to be an “anti vaxxer” now days, you are at the best an apologist to human rights violations! at the worse an human rights violator! end of discussion. so when Ben Norton open his dirty mouth to talk about the Human rights violations that the US government constantly commits abroad, do the kindness of reminding him that he is a apologist for human rights violations himself. and against his own people! what a hypocrite!

  3. The comment on “all causes” hospitalisations and deaths is spot on. COVID cases only represent a fraction of overall hospitalisations and death. MSM and GVT wants us to focus exclusively on that small part. What would we discover if the largest part of the iceberg was scrutinised?

    1. There was a graph in the UK I saw which gave percentage splits of overall ICU hospitalisations….wish I could find it, but it was from official ONS data or something so may be findable… anyways, yep it was only about 5-10% of the overall ICU hospitalisations being COVID…. can likely guess what a lot of the other ones would have been caused by :/ …
      …a TOTAL disgrace the focus on just COVID and if the Atlanta data et al is anything to go by, even that’s been largely jab-inspired!

      1. Even easier than that to verify; find your country or state hospital bed per person number (sould be between 2.5 and 10). Multiply by population of your state or country. That gives you the total capacity of your health care system. You finally divide the total number of COVID hospitalisations stated by you Government by the total capacity of your health care system. Even at the height of “Omicron wave” beds occupied by “covid cases” are still a small fraction of total.

  4. Arrest Trudeau , It is a further violation of the Canadian Criminal Code32, to endanger the life of another person. Sections 216, 217, 217.1 and 221. Duty of persons undertaking acts dangerous to life Sec. 216: Everyone who undertakes to administer surgical or medical treatment to another person or to do any other lawful act that may endanger the life of another person is, except in cases of necessity, under a legal duty to have and to use reasonable knowledge, skill and care in so doing. R.S., c. C-34, s. 198 Duty of persons undertaking acts Sec. 217: Everyone who undertakes to do an act is under a legal duty to do it if an omission to do the act is or may be dangerous to life. Duty of persons directing work Sec. 217.1: Everyone who undertakes, or has the authority, to direct how another person does work or performs a task is under a legal duty to take reasonable steps to prevent bodily harm to that person, or any other person, arising from that work or task. Causing bodily harm by criminal negligence Sec. 221: Every person who by criminal negligence causes bodily harm to another person is guilty of (a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years; or, (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction. Domestically, in the seminal decision of Hopp v Lepp, [1980] 2 SCR 192,33 the Supreme Court of Canada determined that cases of non-disclosure of risks and medical information fall under the law of negligence. Hopp also clarified the standard of informed consent and held that, even if a certain risk is only a slight possibility which ordinarily would not be disclosed, but which carries serious consequences, such as paralysis or death, the material risk must be revealed to the patient. The duty of disclosure for informed consent is rooted in an individual’s right to bodily integrity and respect for patient autonomy. In other words, a patient has the right to understand the consequences of medical treatment regardless of whether those consequences are deemed improbable, and have determined that, although medical opinion can be divided as to the level of disclosure required, the standard is simple, “A Reasonable Person Would Want to Know the Serious Risks, Even if Remote.” Hopp v Lepp, supra; Bryan v Hicks, 1995 CanLII 172 (BCCA); British Columbia Women’s Hospital Center, 2013 SCC 30.34 Vaccination is voluntary in Canada35. Even if the government attempts to mandate it, there is no law, nor can there be, as it is a violation of Human Rights, International Agreements, etc. Yet, as already mentioned in this document, some federal, provincial, municipal officials have incentivised the taking of COVID-19 injections, even suggesting that lockdowns and lockdown measures will not end until enough of the population has received these injections. This is despite the negative impacts that lockdowns have had on the health and well-being of the citizenry. Officials are not only infringing on human rights, but they are also putting themselves personally at risk of a civil lawsuit for damages and potential imprisonment by attempting to impose these experimental injections on citizens, including minors. Canadian law has long recognized that individuals have the right to control what happens to their bodies, law which is being directly infringed upon by these officials

  5. Ryan

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    The updates are typically very brief (~10 minutes) but excellent in quality including an historical perspective where helpful.

    This is a very good introduction:

    If you are already aware of this site I’m not surprised no worries.

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