Despite the fact that many protestors of today’s inauguration were largely peaceful and simply making use of their first amendment rights, the expected agent provocateurs and Trump saboteurs were on scene creating the excuse needed to shift the perception of the protests from peaceful to violent, as to allow the police to begin using violent means to remove the protestors.
The live feed is below, provided by the brave journalism of Dahboo7, and shows how peaceful protestors are now being shot at with percussion grenades while standing with their arms in the air, all while simply attempting to exercise their constitutional rights.
The feed above has ended, a new one began below:
So, now that all of those arrested on Jan 20 have been arraigned & released, is there any way to align their identities with their actual affiliations?
Some, yes. But for the majority that simply answered a craigslist ad, there is no way for the average person to track that back. But we already have the proof of George Soros’ connection to all the chaos.
Not getting the Soros connection. What would be the overarching motivation? More so, right wing elements trying to form a foundation to justify increased police militarization to facilitate indiscriminate roundups of “questionable,” yet law abiding citizens for the purpose of squelching ALL sources of protest.