Nicaragua just defeated a US-backed violent coup attempt… but how did the US even set up a coup in the first place? Nicaragua just defeated a U.S.-backed violent coup attempt, and no one cares. Well, let me revise that: Very few care. English teachers may care because they may find it fascinating the phrase “violent Read More…
Tag: Protests
US And Israel Formed Group To Plot Internal Unrest Against Iran
Media reports are quoting unnamed Israeli officials as saying that a few months ago, the US and Israel formed a joint working group centered on plotting against Iran. The focus of the group is fueling internal unrest against Iran. While US officials are unwilling to comment on the matter, the Israelis say the plot isn’t explicitly Read More…
The Bait And Switch: Donald Trump And The New Establishment
For decades now … even longer, so-called “conspiracy theorists” have been warning of totalitarian dangers to come. Warning Americans of a creepingly slow incremental increase in day-to-day oppression, disguised as heightened security in a time of increased danger to our way of life. Or that is the lie being told, seemingly without end, as we Read More…
Why You Should Be Intensely Skeptical Of Everything You Hear About Iran Protests
Every few weeks I switch from being accused by pro-establishment Democrats of writing propaganda for Putin and Assad to being accused by pro-Trump Republicans of writing propaganda for the Iranian government, all because I am opposed to US-led regime change intervention in both Syria or Iran. Whichever country the US war machine is roaring loudest Read More…
US Spent Over $1 Million To Exploit Protests In Iran For ‘Regime Change’
The U.S. State Department spent over $1 million to exploit unrest in Iran, investigative journalist Nafeez Ahmed reported last week in Le Muslim Post. At the end of 2017 and through the first week of 2018, Iran was rocked by protests through its major cities, and the Trump administration quickly pounced to exploit the dissent. The U.S. even Read More…
Iran Arrests Former President Ahmadinejad For Inciting Unrest: Report
With an estimated 1,000 people arrested over the course of a little over a week in protests in Iran, the most high profile may ultimately be the most surprising, with reports former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been jailed for “incitement.” Though Ahmadinejad has not really been linked to the protest movement, he made comments during Read More…