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WSJ Calls Out Fauci/Collins For Suppressing Science & New Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle COVID Vaccine

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/22/21).

As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.


Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

WSJ/Nursing Homes
COVID Illusion
Collapsing Athletes
The Great Reset
Late Additions 

Important TLAV Mask Coverage

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Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

16 Replies to “WSJ Calls Out Fauci/Collins For Suppressing Science & New Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle COVID Vaccine

  1. thank you for your diligence and the enormous effort you lay down to help inform people. i have followed your show since long before cov-sars 2 but you have been a lifeline to sanity for me over the last couple of years. big thank you from Norway

  2. A point worth mentioning regarding eg the UK official hospitalisations/deaths tables, insofar as the higher numbers in unvaccinated at the children/young adult ages, is that not only is this largely due to far fewer being injected in these low age groups, but also the fact that there are more of the population in total in each (say) ten year age band than at the higher ten year age bands, which makes the totals in the younger age bands look more ‘significant’ than they actually are….. This also shows further how crappy the “vaccines” are for the higher age bands given there’s still large numbers of “fully vaccinated” people in the higher age bands having death/hospitalisations despite not only high percentage vaxxed BUT ALSO despite there not being as many people alive to start off with in those age groups compared to the younger age bands.

  3. Sadly, anyone who has accepted one, two, or three….shots has already effectively waived any religious or medical exemption. Once they get you across that threshold you are in it forever.

  4. Another important point, further to my comment above and linking in with your remark about deaths within 28 days of a covid test…. Is that the higher the transmission R rate (such as extremely highly transmissible Omicron) is that pretty much everyone will end up with a positive COVID test even if they didn’t have it before going to hospital for whatever… catching it in hospital, high false positive testing methods etc….. Leading to almost any death/hospitalisation caused by pretty much anything but COVID will now be a COVID death/hospitalisation….. We’ve reached the singularity of UTTER CLOWN WORLD. An utter disgrace on a level that can’t be put into words.

    Exceptional video as ever, thank you.

    1. omicron isn’t going to do anything, it will just be used to create the BS argument that lockdowns and boosters work. Ryan, can you send me the article referenced by Chris M. where he said people with 2 doses are most likely to get “omicron”, then booster, and people who are unvaxxed are at the lowest risk of “omicron”

    1. As always, concise does not necessarily mean short. Having days worth of info in hours does meet that definition, to a degree. The show originally began as 15-30 min, and only a few topics. I would have likely removed the phrase just to avoid to misunderstanding of the word, but I have left it just to irritate those who are actually bothered by it, again, despite it not actually being incorrect, but more of a stretch of the meaning. The show has changed a lot since it was created. Love you too brother.

  5. I do believe the PCR test that is being discontinued is only the original CDC produced kit. There are still over 100 other PCR tests made by other manufactures. I don’t believe ALL PCR tests are being discontinued and losing EUA, only the CDC’s own original test they first released early 2020. Thanks for all of your research and passion.

  6. “FDA Approves a New RNA-Based Treatment to Lower Cholesterol
    Leqvio uses RNA to help keep levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood low and requires only two doses per year.”

    Now that the door is open, ANYTHING goes.

  7. If the state of emergency is NOT extended within the 90 days period, then LEGALLY it is lapsed and can no longer be extended. The government MUST DECLARE ONCE AGAIN the state of emergency if it wants to reinstate the state of emergency. So, after the 90 days period is lapsed and in the absence of reinstatement, SUBSEQUENT EXTENSIONS ARE ILLEGAL !!!

  8. Dear Ryan, 🙂

    I hope that you’re enjoying the festivities. I must apologize in advance for being so insensitive in this regard, as I’ve not been able to celebrate anything for ages.

    You’re right in suspecting that the whole thing was rushed and looks like a train wreck already. The problem here is that they do not only have a plan A, but also a plan B and C. This is where their controlled opposition comes in. One has to be very careful not to unsuspectingly rush everybody into their sticky net. Unless I’ve missed something, they appear to be setting up everything for version B already, while ostensibly pushing agenda A.

    I want to point you to a video. At around 1 hour and 47 minutes Lumpa Tjambatjimba (aka David Cole) speaks about how and why the indigenous Australians find themselves in the crosshairs of this “vaccination campaign”:


    The video should also be uploaded in full to in the next days. Their streams are always “copy left”, distribution desired.

  9. I think along with coronaviruses, variants and mutations of viruses were rarely talked about in the mainstream so the ignorant public, which includes doctors, can be taken advantage of. Everyone seems to have misconception that variants need to be eliminated for the emergency to end. They don’t know that wild smallpox and polio variants are still being discovered to this day. We no longer have an epidemic of pandemic of smallpox and polio because most people don’t get sick or die from it. The Covid-19 pandemic is the first health emergency to based their policy on the virus simply existing in great numbers rather than the historical approach of focusing on excess mortality caused by the virus.

  10. Tedros comment was too on the nose, I think the MTV guy might have the best taken on this: had he finished his word, he would have said “killdren” because he was reading off a teleprompter, English is not his first language, and he read a hard CH, and corrected himself halfway through. Might be all this is, but it is worth noting there have been many incidents of this kind-of thing happening, and *that* could be coordinated. But I think Curry has the best answer for this weird slip.

  11. That our Children are dying at the time of Christmas because of a deepstate, manufactured, EUA [redefined as] ‘vaccine’ is, as you say; the criminal point at it’s criminal heart. Somehow, murder has become anaesthetised. And it appears to be the children they are after. This drug is already in my Child and Grandchild to my eternal shame. The larger disease GATES and FAUCI etal are spreading, is one of the psychopathic mind. How they swung the intellectual elite is the most baffling., even after studying the 911 deception..
    [Croatian Marin Cacic, 23yrs. Algerian Soufiane Lokar, 30yrs. Omani Makhlid Al Raqadi, 29 yrs. Professional football players reported died of heart attacks in the last 5 days. ]

  12. Heya Cristian,

    I hope you (and each one here on TLAV) had a very happy Christmas together with your family, and crossed into a very happy new year. A bit late on some of these later videos cuz of the holidays.

    The WHO document on “Health is more than influenza” was actually moved as they did their “revamp”, which made things harder to find actually. I did find it though, here’s to hoping it will be of help to you and all of us as we seek out this and other information making it widely available to people.

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