Any who truly have the well-being of the American people in mind should be openly hoping that Donald Trump actually embodies all the characteristics needed for the success of the country. This hope, regardless of one’s personal feelings for the man, is for the success of the nation, not a single person, despite the manipulation of the politically changed mainstream media and its disgustingly obvious agenda.
Yet, in typically ominous political fashion, choice by choice it begins to appear as if Donald J. Trump, the man who awoke the simple-minded sleeping giant of the American masses, has seemingly tricked us all. Or possibly, he himself has been terribly deceived. One can hope for the latter, and the possibility that hope seems to offer in this time of uncertainty; but either way, the people of this country have been tricked into thinking we are on a direct course for change(be it good or bad) when it seems we are adrift in the stale waters of the stagnate US interventionist foreign policy.
Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple does an excellent job in the video below of breaking through the emotion and zealotous partisan politics, to show the history of the current development with Iran, and how the Trump administration is simply continuing the same foreign policy of the Bush and the Obama presidencies, while attempting to paint it as Hope and Change 2.0. One can hold out hope that change for the better is indeed on the horizon, but at some point, we have to begin to recognize the writing on the wall.
Super Interesting!!! I have no doubt that all of the Politicians, etc. are just puppets in a very large Stage/Arena. Thank you for posting!!