Geroge Orwell’s legendary book, “1984,” was not in any way meant to be a prediction of our future, yet that’s exactly what appears to have happened. And now that there’s a Broadway play which follows the events in the book closely, many are finding it difficult to stomach. Since it’s become clear to most of us that Read More…
Tag: Tyranny
Era of Shattered Illusions
“Tyranny respects only power, it does not respect the protestations of ants it can crush underfoot, but it will make a wide path around the rattlesnake ready to strike.” There are those who actively attempt to sacrifice the well-being and prosperity of humanity for financial gain and personal objectives. This is nothing new, as history is rife Read More…
The Roots Of Today’s Tyranny: The Patriot Act II
To understand the plans of tyrants we must examine past attempts to destroy liberty in the name of security. To understand where we are today we must understand what might have been. In Part 2 of this series we take a look at the infamous Patriot Act II. In the days following the 9/11 attacks Read More…
The Roots Of Today’s Tyranny: Total Information Awareness
To understand the roots of the oppression, erosion of liberties, and invasion of privacy that has become the new norm for Americans, we must go back to the days following the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. Immediately following the attacks of September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush was promising Americans that he would Read More…