The final version of the report confirms what previous draft versions have concluded — fluoride exposure is associated with lower IQ in children. The long-delayed and censored final report from the U.S. National Toxicology Program has found “moderate confidence” that fluoride exposure is “consistently associated with lower IQ in children”. The NTP report has been Read More…
Tag: Toxic Substances Control Act
Newly Released Review of Fluoride’s Toxicity Highlights NTP Scientist’s Battle to Follow the Science
Newly released documents reveal how scientists at the U.S. National Toxicology Program fought to preserve their conclusion that fluoride can reduce IQ in children. On Wednesday the U.S. National Toxicology Program released a previously suppressed report which concluded that high exposure to fluoride can reduce IQ for children. The NTP’s drafts from May and September Read More…
Historical Court Case – The Fluoride Cover Up Will Soon Be Exposed
A historical trial weighing the risks of water fluoridation is set to begin in San Francisco on Monday June 8. For the last four years, attorneys with the Fluoride Action Network have been fighting a legal battle against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over whether water fluoridation violates the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). A Read More…