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Recordings Reveal FBI Gave Man A Rifle, Urged Him To Carry Out Mass Shooting To “Defend Islam”

It’s become a near-weekly occurrence. Somewhere in some state, the FBI will announce that they’ve foiled yet another terrorist plot and saved lives. However, as the data shows, the majority of these cases involve psychologically diminished patsies who’ve been entirely groomed, armed, and entrapped by FBI agents. Simply put, the FBI manufactures terror threats and then Read More…

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How al-Qaeda Became An American Ally In ‘The War On Terror’

Nearly 16 years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the United States is inexplicably finding itself in bed with al-Qaeda, its alleged sworn enemy. The group’s efforts to terrorize the population of Syria have been rewarded with U.S. arms, training and other military aid. Despite ostensibly being the United States’ “Public Enemy No. 1” following the Read More…

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U.S.’ Role In Saudi’s War On Yemen May Include Torture

It has been reported that U.S. forces have interrogated prisoners in secret prisons in Yemen, many of which are run by the United Arab Emirates, a member of the Saudi-led coalition that is waging war in the country. Acts of torture are said to have taken place in the prisons. Since the Saudi-led war in Read More…

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Google And Jigsaw Get Serious About “Extremist” Content

Faced with fines in Europe, Google will enforce four new steps to identify “terrorist-related content” on its YouTube subsidiary. “We are working with government, law enforcement and civil society groups to tackle the problem of violent extremism online. There should be no place for terrorist content on our services,” writes Kent Walker, general counsel for Read More…

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The Sordid History Of State Sponsored Terrorism Against Iran

For decades, Western empires have waged a silent war against Iran, using tactics ranging from supporting known terrorist groups to deposing the country’s leaders and leveraging regional rivalries. The war continues today, even as the U.S. condemns Iran for sponsoring terrorism itself. With blood still fresh on the streets of Tehran after last week’s deadly Read More…

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Congressman Praises ISIS Attack In Iran, Suggests US Should Support Terrorism

Following a recent ISIS attack in Iran in which at least 12 people were killed, a GOP lawmaker has suggested the attack could be a “good thing,” even indicating that the U.S. government should support ISIS in its attacks on other groups. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) said during a House hearing on Hezbollah: “As far Read More…