(FAIR) — In its reporting on a dubious lawsuit alleging Iranian meta-involvement in 9/11, the New York Times badly misunderstood the case and maintained for more than three years, in the paper of record, that the government of Iran “sponsored” the September 11, 2001, attacks. The belated correction, issued late Wednesday night on two widely spaced articles on the Read More…
Tag: retraction
O’Keefe Frames #FakeNews WaPo’s RETRACTION
After the release of Veritas’ American Pravda: CNN videos, Paul Farhi of the Washington Post wrote a hit piece with a factually incorrect claim: “It also doesn’t disclose that he is based in Atlanta – not in Washington or New York, where most of CNN’s coverage of national affairs and politics are produced.” In reality, Read More…
Three CNN Employees ‘Resign’ Over ‘Russia Collusion’ Fake News Retraction
A few days ago we noted that CNN was forced to retract one of their bombshell ‘Russian collusion’ stories when it was apparently revealed that the whole thing was nothing more than their latest, anonymously sourced fake news debacle. Like most CNN stories on the topic, this one carried a salacious title (“Congress was investigating Read More…
CNN Deletes ‘Fake News’ Story About Russian Investment Ties To Trump
Thursday afternoon, CNN posted a story, by none other than Pulitzer-Prize-winning reporter Thomas Frank, claiming that “Congress was investigating a Russian investment fund with ties to Trump officials.” The story was perfect fodder for ‘The Left‘ as it provided yet more ‘confirmation’ that sources ‘confirmed’ Trump and his team were up to something nefarious with Read More…
“We Regret The Error:” CNN Apologizes To Assange For Pedophilia Accusation, Issues Retraction
It didn’t take much for CNN to fold after WikiLeaks threatened to sue it for defamation. As reported on Wednesday, the whistleblowing organization threatened to sue CNN after the biased, pro-Clinton news organization aired an interview with Phil Mudd, in which the paid analyst and ex-Deputy-Director of the CIA called Julian Assange a pedophile. CNN’s Read More…
Washington Post Forced To Retract Fake Story That Russia Hacked US Power Grid
Here we go again with more Russia hysteria, courtesy of the Washington Post. Any time a story comes out of Washington Post, readers should realize three things. First, WaPo is a regular attendee at the secretive elite Bilderberg annual conference, has been for decades. Two, so is WaPo’s relatively new owner, Amazon mogul Jeff Bezos. Read More…