A deeply disturbing report by the United Nations details rampant sexual exploitation of children by UN officials across the globe. (TFTP) A deeply disturbing report has finally been released by the United Nations detailing the rampant sexual exploitation of children by UN employees that is widespread, throughout multiple countries. While pieces of the report were Read More…
Tag: Peacekeepers
Ex Chief Adviser For The UN’s Child Labour Program Arrested For Pedophilia
There’s been a massive amount of disclosure with regards to elite pedophile rings for decades, but more attention was brought to it last year, with some weird and bizarre leaked emails from long time politician, John Podesta, it’s how the whole “Pizzagate” debacle began. Not only that, last year an NBC news report claimed that Hillary Read More…
Sexual Assaults UN-style Go Unresolved—How Come?
It seems no governance-type agency at any level is exempt from preaching one thing, while practicing a totally different course of counteractions—even the United Nations. How sad. I’ve always held the idea about the UN, ever since I can remember that the U.S. should get out of the U.N. and the U.N. should get out of Read More…
UN Whistleblower Exposes Network Of Pedophilia And Rape
A former high-level official from within the UN has blown the whistle on a pedophilia network of massive proportions involving thousands of UN employees wreaking havoc on tens of thousands of innocent children. (TFTP) An outright frightening dossier released by a former senior United Nations official reveals that United Nations employees have carried out over Read More…
UN “Peacekeepers” Again Being Accused Of Child Abuse And Rape – Over 100 Children With Accusations
It was recently reported that UN peacekeepers will not be charged for sex crimes against children that they allegedly violated while they were stationed in the Central African Republic. The French Government investigated the French soldiers who were accused of the attacks, but they found no evidence of wrongdoing, as often happens when organizations investigate Read More…