Foreign Policy Foreign Policy with Robert Inlakesh Geopolitics Human Rights Military Police State Revolution Robert Inlakesh Social Engineering Top News War Crimes World

Israel Launches A War On The Northern West Bank

Last week, on Wednesday morning, the Israeli military announced that it had initiated the largest military assault in the West Bank since the early 2000s, declaring it “Operation Summer Camps” that ostensibly seeks to crush a range of Palestinian armed groups that are currently operating in the north of the occupied territory. Using thousands of Read More…

Foreign Policy Foreign Policy with Robert Inlakesh Government Human Rights Military Police State Politics Revolution Top News War Crimes World

Israel Launches Military Operation On Jenin And Commits War Crimes With US Blessing

On Sunday night the Israeli military officially launched a targeted military operation against the city of Jenin, located in the northern occupied West Bank, in an effort to score political points for the Netanyahu government and collectively punish the inhabitants of the area for resisting. This assault came as the direct result of a failed Read More…

Occupied Palestine
World Foreign Policy Foreign Policy with Robert Inlakesh Government Human Rights Military Police State Politics Revolution Robert Inlakesh Top News War Crimes

Israel Commits Biggest Jenin Massacre Since Early 2000’s, Followed By Gaza Strikes – PA Ends Security Coordination

Israeli occupation murdered at least 9 Palestinians in an invasion of the Jenin refugee camp, inside the occupied West Bank, on Thursday morning, leading to large scale protests throughout the territory and an escalation in violent tensions. In reaction to this, the United Nations decided not to punish Israel, but to urge the Palestinian Authority Read More…