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Robert Fisk: “I Traced Al-Qaeda Missile Casings In Syria Back To Their Original Sellers”

Finally, a journalist for a mainstream UK media outlet is methodically tracking weapons shipment serial numbers and English-language paperwork recovered from al-Qaeda groups in Syria, and he’s literally showing up at arms factories and questioning arms dealers, including officials at the Saudi Embassy in London, asking: why are your weapons in the hands of terrorists?  Veteran Middle East war Read More…

Top News Foreign Policy Military Politics World

Pentagon Bets Against Korean Peace With Indefinite Troop Presence, New Missile Defense

Reports from a questionable thinktank claim North Korea nuclear weapons development continues as the U.S. commits to an indefinite troop presence and new missile defense systems. SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA – After the recent Singapore summit kick-started peace talks aimed at ending hostilities on the Korean peninsula, the tone among many Koreans, Americans and other observers was optimistic, Read More…

Government Foreign Policy Military Politics Social Engineering Top News

With Latest AUMF, Democrats And Republicans Unite To Make War Making Easy

The supposed social benefits of war are one of the very few points on which Democrats and Republicans in Congress stand united. “War. What is it good for?” asked Norman Whitfield in 1969. Thousands of cover versions later, we finally have an answer: It’s one of the most heartbreaking things you’ll ever learn about human Read More…