Pirate: One who preys on others; a plunderer. Plunder: 1. To rob of goods by force, especially in time of war; pillage. 2. To seize wrongfully or by force; steal. The Federal Government has recently been executing what many are calling “smash and grab” searches upon medical Read More…
Tag: cannabis
Could Cannabis be the Answer to the Ebola Pandemic?
Epidemic: a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time Pandemic: an epidemic of infectious disease that has spread through human populations across a large region; for instance multiple continents This is no longer a distant problem. The shocking reality of this visceral and deadly disease, long ago crossed the Read More…
Cannabis Crusaders: A Modern Day Robin Hood Emerges
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -Edmund Burke In every great conflict, whether it be physical or political, there are always those who will be remembered as the true pioneers of the time. Those who take action when so many stand by and watch as Read More…
Cannabis Use Reduces Grey Matter in the Brain But Increases Connectivity
Once again the internet is flush with a new batch of cannabis naysayers choosing to report a skewed version of a new study. The findings are interesting and have both good and bad results. As always, The Last American Vagabond is here to report the truth, whatever that may be; sprinkled with opinion and perspective, Read More…
House Bills Could Completely Legalize Marijuana Across the U.S.
Ninety-five years ago, alcohol was deemed such a dangerous substance that it was made illegal in the United States. The prohibition of alcohol lasted thirteen years, and in that time alcohol was more prevalent that ever. It caused otherwise law-abiding citizens to become criminals and associate with crime syndicates that were allowed to flourish within Read More…