Today Sen. Paul took to the senate floor to shame his colleagues about not debating and voting for war before sending young Americans to fight in foreign countries. “Nobody wanted to have this debate,” Paul said. “They want to rubber stamp… and they want to send your kids to war with no debate.”
(For the full uncut address click here)
Unfortunately Mr. Paul did not drop a large enough ‘truth bomb’. The Uniform Code of Military Justice and international law allows for Soldiers, Sailors and Marines as well as Air Force members to ‘disregard illegal orders’. Being ‘shipped off’ in one or more of the illegal wars of aggression that the Americans have experienced for each generation of this criminal nation (3 or more wars each century) is willing participating in those illegal wars and punishable by death by summary execution, if captured alive by enemy forces. Those who refuse to comply with illegal orders MAY face courts martials; but at least they will not be “international criminals” and certified fools.
This is actually one of the reasons why the USA has more than 60% of its “deployed troops” as “private contractors” (mercenaries) and allows them to keep fooling the willfully gullible American people; who by the way are getting everything they deserve.