Pope Francis’ Dark Past As Agent of U.S.-Backed Argentine Military Junta

Murder, torture and “disappearances” were commonplace under the military dictatorship that gripped Argentina in the 1970s. Pope Francis, despite being hailed as a “progressive” figure today, was supportive of the Argentine junta, even aiding in some of the atrocities it carried out. BUENOS AIRES – Among the world’s most prominent figures, few have received such consistent Read More…

Mad Dog’s Pathetic Syrian Chemical Attack Propaganda

It’s obvious Mad Dog and the war-makers take us for complete idiots. On Wednesday Trump’s Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, otherwise fondly known as Mad Dog, said Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian government backed down on a chemical attack after a stern warning from the United States. “It appears that they took the warning seriously,” Mad Read More…

Qatar May Be Turning Its Back On The US Dollar — And We All Know What That Means

Late last week, Saudi Arabia and other members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) that are involved in attempting to isolate Qatar sent the tiny Gulf nation a list of 13 demands. They are insisting that Qatar meet these demands within ten days or face unspecified further action. The list of demands includes Qatar shutting down Al-Jazeera and Read More…