The MMR Vaccine And CDC’s Wanting Comments: Who Will Comment?

How many readers—parents, in particular—know that there are several vaccines that should not be given (injected) together at the same time under any circumstances?  Yes, that’s a fact!  Those vaccines are the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) and the Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccines. And yet, there’s Merck’s MMRV—Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella! One of the comments Read More…

Organic Rice Yields Debunk Myth GMOs Are Needed to Feed the World

In India’s poorest state, farmers are setting world-breaking records growing rice and other staple foods, without the help of genetically modified organisms, and none of Monsanto’s billion-dollar herbicides. With the biotech industry claiming that the world can only be fed with heavily-doused herbicidal crops coming from genetically modified seed, it’s astonishing to see a region Read More…