The Establishment’s Plan To Divide: Donald Trump, Fake News, And Russia

Since the moment the polls closed on November 8, the Western establishment media and their partners in the State and Corporate classes have been working overtime to embed another propaganda-filled narrative deep into the minds of the American public. This operation involves President-elect Donald Trump, the recent fake news meme, and Russia. The goal of the Read More…

The Tide Begins To Turn: Joe Rogan Talks PizzaGate, Breitbart and Hastert

The current media war taking place between alternative and mainstream, has enveloped every corner of the average American’s newsfeed. Each calling the other fake news, with one side attempting to break through the decades of lies, and the other trying to maintain its strangle-hold on the public’s perception of what is, and is not, the truth. In Read More…

US Accuses Vladimir Putin Of “Personal Involvement” In Election Hack

And just like that the narrative of Russia hacking the presidential election has escalated to the highest possible level, and has officially jumped the shark. Moments ago, following a month-long barrage of unsubstantiated stories in the press accusing the Russian government of indirectly hacking the US presidential election, which culminated with last night’s 8,000 word Read More…