The Daily Wrap Up
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Omicron The “Self-Spreading Vaccine”, Ukraine Psyop Embarrassment & Ottawa The Police State

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/20/22).

As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.


Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

Ottawa Police State
Omicron/Self-Spreading Vaccine 
Money Game Video

Important TLAV Mask Coverage

Bitcoin Donations Are Appreciated:

Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

14 Replies to “Omicron The “Self-Spreading Vaccine”, Ukraine Psyop Embarrassment & Ottawa The Police State

  1. Thank you for calling out the partisan talking points! The lazy way people keep throwing around that word “communism” is a hindrance, not a help. I see too many otherwise good commentators doing it. And really, it’s not that hard to be more precise, and simply call attention to the fascist, technocratic and neo-feudal aspects of what is rolling out before us.

  2. Ryan

    For benefit of anybody-including you, if it applies sir-who thinks that the tsunami of persecution and prosecution that will follow these unfortunate people will come down to a “couple of cameras,” here is some information.

    The data collection technology that will have been used in Ottawa will boggle the mind. There are companies that can sweep and data mine all social media, analyze that data, and provide it to authorities. That will include device identifiers (most of which are highly technical and unknown to most users), names, content posted if needed, and geolocation data of device at time of posting.

    They will have used technology to collect cell phone data on a massive scale, including calls, text messages, device identifiers, and geolocation data. What they can’t get, the cellular providers, phone manufactures, and application operators will provide, including in many cases data the user believed to have been encrypted.

    They will have used similar technology to identify every manner of mobile device turned on in that area (and even some that weren’t). Every device using WiFi and or blue tooth will continuously scan for other devices and networks, and that information is used to determine the location of each device involved in the interaction. Names, numbers, addresses, bank account data, credit card data, will all have been collected and will be available to those pursuing the “investigation.”

    Finally, they will have used license plate readers, some mobile, some fixed, to record data from every vehicle that made an appearance in that area during the protest.

    The US government and its host of private companies associated with the intelligence services, will have assisted the Canadian government.

    So there is no way for most people who were present there to avoid detection, identification, and persecution.

    Civil “sanctions” will be conducted wholesale and without due process just as has been perfected here in the US. Criminal prosecution will be minor compared to the impact of bank account seizures, property seizures, etc., that will bankrupt people and destroy their lives.

    The tyrants will pursue these people to ruin, because they have been identified as enemies of the future global state.

    If they thought by packing it in and leaving they could survive and return to fight another day, they were very tragically mistaken.

    And NOBODY does all of this better than our own government.

  3. Hello Ryan and followers, 🙂
    in regard to the “shelling of the kindergarten”, I found the following short report from Alina Lipp. You may put this down as Russian propaganda, but even if so, she’s making some important points.

    Here is where I found the video in German:

    You can simply download it from there (click on download), it’s only 50 MB. Then add the following to a file having the same name as the stored video, but change the ending of that file to “.srt”. When you then play the video, you should get the following English translation (cut below this line):

    00:00:00,000 –> 00:00:05,281
    This here used to be a school in Donetsk.

    00:00:05,281 –> 00:00:13,686
    Completely destroyed! Bullet holes everywhere. The roof has been wrecked.

    00:00:13,786 –> 00:00:18,560
    Horrible! Who does this, who fires at schools?

    00:00:18,660 –> 00:00:26,154
    My name is Alina Lipp and I have spent the last four months living in Donetsk, in the Donbass, and reporting from there on news from Russia.

    00:00:26,254 –> 00:00:38,037
    I can tell you that the photos that are going through the press right now, of the kindergarten near Lugansk, with the impact hole in the wall supposedly caused by “the evil Donbass separatists”, are fake.

    00:00:38,137 –> 00:00:38,805

    00:00:38,905 –> 00:00:42,197
    I stood in front of such buildings. I know what that will look like.

    00:00:42,297 –> 00:00:48,106
    And I can tell you that, first of all, the windows around the hole would be completely busted!

    00:00:48,206 –> 00:00:50,944
    Look at the pictures. The windows are whole!

    00:00:51,044 –> 00:00:57,514
    Secondly, when a projectile hits the wall, there are traces of soot inside and outside.

    00:00:57,614 –> 00:01:03,488
    Not from the fire, which sometimes breaks out afterwards, but rather from the projectile. From this explosion itself.

    00:01:03,588 –> 00:01:06,986
    Thirdly, just take a look at the pictures!

    00:01:07,086 –> 00:01:10,720
    Especially on the outside, on the wall of the house, there is no rubble.

    00:01:10,820 –> 00:01:17,269
    There are remnants of the facade, but no debris from the impact.

    00:01:17,369 –> 00:01:27,064
    I will now show you some pictures of what it looks like after a projectile has actually impacted.

    00:01:27,164 –> 00:01:37,472
    Moreover, if you look at the location of the kindergarten on satellite images, you will see that said kindergarten is located a whole 8 kilometers (=5 miles) away from the Donbass contact line.

    00:01:37,572 –> 00:01:42,976
    Which makes it impossible for the Donbass people’s militia to have fired the projectile from there.

    00:01:43,076 –> 00:01:45,877
    In addition, experts have analyzed the hole.

    00:01:45,977 –> 00:01:52,405
    Based on the angle of origin, it is possible to trace from which direction and at which angle this projectile came.

    00:01:52,505 –> 00:02:04,202
    As there are so many buildings in the way to the contact line, it is simply impossible that they were shooting from the Donbass.

    00:02:04,302 –> 00:02:15,296
    What really makes me furious now, in this situation, is simply the fact that the Ukraine has been shooting at kindergartens and schools in the Donbass for 8 years!

    00:02:15,396 –> 00:02:21,696
    And they are not shying away from starting the shelling when school is just out and the children are on their way home, either.

    00:02:21,796 –> 00:02:31,168
    Has any U.S. Secretary of State, in the last 8 years, ever gone in front of the cameras and called for retribution?

    00:02:31,168 –> 00:02:39,616
    Have any foreign media representatives ever rushed over immediately to enlighten us about it?

    00:02:39,716 –> 00:02:45,269
    No one cares about what has been going on in Donetsk and Lugansk for 8 years!

    00:02:45,369 –> 00:02:49,792
    That so many civilians are being gunned down by snipers …

    00:02:49,892 –> 00:02:59,008
    and children. Just ask the relatives of the children who are on the tombstone of the children’s memorial in Donetsk …

    00:02:59,108 –> 00:03:01,674
    what they would tell you on this subject now!

    00:03:01,774 –> 00:03:04,768
    It’s unbelievable what’s going on here right now.

    00:03:04,868 –> 00:03:09,141
    The West wants this war at any price …

    00:03:09,241 –> 00:03:17,610
    and is looking for some sad, horrible, story to justify an attack.

    00:03:17,710 –> 00:03:19,616
    Don’t be fooled!

  4. Hey Ryan, so much gratitude for what you do, can’t praise you enough. However I am finding the volumes of your voice compared to the sound of any clips you play, so different that it is virtually impossible to hear the clips. I’m scared to whack up the volume for the clips in case i blow my speakers when you speak again. Cheers.

  5. Let’s hope the Canadian “Coked Up Kojak” understands that the tactics he’s employing come from the playbook of the “Gestapo” in Nazi Germany (rather famously Ultra Right Wing) or the “NKVD / KGB” from Communist Russia (Equally famously Ultra Left Wing). If you slap left or if you slap right, it’s still an arse and until you stop slapping it, it will keep shitting on you!!! Their power comes with an observance, acknowledgement and acquiescence to their paradigm. Move as far away as you can and you’ll be more powerful……..

  6. I don’t know about elsewhere, but here in Australia, they’ve all but buried the shutdown of the Canadian truck protest. I can barely find any stories on it online. And where are all the videos? Even on all the alternative and independent platforms I can barely find scraps. This was a massive story, it went on for weeks, tonnes of interest internationally, tonnes of people on the ground with phones that should have recorded and broadcasted everything that happened during the final day. And I’m not in Canada, I’m in a foreign country on the other side of the world and they’ve purged and blocked nearly all of it.

    Hilariously they had a headline the other day in the MSM saying that a conflict between Russia and US would be the first “naked” war, with everyone being able to see raw footage straight from the front line because of social media and everyone having mobile phones. Not a chance; we will see only what they want us to see.

  7. What a mixed up world where everything that we thought was reality was a produced illusion. Want a laugh, watch Freeland when Trudeau is there, it is a good thing she is wearing a mask, probably drooling. Watch her head bob and a twinkle in her eyes. Being a woman so easy to read made me laugh. Yuk. Schub used penetrate not infiltrate, think he gets off on that it is a good as sex. We are in big trouble, the abyss has opened for us to see how deep this is. One of the truckers got his bank account frozen, his truck and trailer towed away and now want his home. The government said all the trucks they towed will be sold to cover the cost of these police. The truckers in US seem to mean business and have learned how to protect themselves from our blindness. There are so many beautiful beings of light even though we also have dark ignorant ones. They are freaking right now because they know we will win this spiritual war and thank them for awakening many brothers and sisters. Tonight they vote where of not the Emergency Act will remain, since so many have had “penetration”, I guess we have to decide how we personally handle this take-over. Also remember love and light creates but love and light also destroys – a law of the universe. Thank you Ryan for truth in love and light.

  8. Forgot to mention that the Canadian truckers are asking all protestors and supporters to stop working, call in with covid or go on holidays, whatever is necessary, not buy anything, back off on travel, pull funds out of banks, stop feeding any large corporations until …… This will get larger as the US truckers start their People’s Convoy on Feb 23. Be aware, prepare and take care. They will all find out on both sides of the border who runs the country.

  9. I think the self spreading vaccines is a scare tactic. After all. Cowan and Kaufman are convinced that vaccines can’t be spread thru the air. (or even having a ‘sick’ person blow directly in someone’s face !)

  10. It’s nice to see you cover this Ryan. I went to the protest on the first day (Jan 29) to see if there were actually trucks out of curiosity. It was the biggest, best, peaceful event I’ve ever been to in Ottawa. It was awesome.

    The nazi flag was obviously a plant and we all disowned Pat King after a few days. Meanwhile I’m fairly convinced there were real nazi Ukrainian organizations (along with true Ukrainian patriots that don’t want any foreign dependence although they accept weapons).

    A few days ago I went to the Ottawa Police station (wrote this on Tom’s blog) and they refused to take any paper because – according to them – the paper might have COVID-19 on it. They literally think we’re that retarded and they refused to help me in person which was the whole point. They barely let me into the station. That was their excuse to refuse taking my witness account and testimony even though my life was under threat. The Ottawa Police, O.P.P. and RCMP no longer serve canadians, even though I know there are some good local police officers.

    Here’s the letter I was sending to politicians:

    Dear Ottawa Police, wonderful Sikh visitors (citizens and immigrants – immigrants rule, look), respectful citizens of Ottawa, Ezra, and anyone respectful who finds this letter or who may wish to forward or broadcast the whole or part of this message,

    Despite various turns of events, thank you eternally from the bottom of my heart for risking your livelihoods to shed light on medical malpractice victims in Canada, which is what you’ve done. No matter what follows it’s a victory as we were never able to make a dent before. I make no specific medical claims, only describe my personal experience and research, and all these statements can be sourced, references available if confronted.

    The people who voiced their concerns were defending my life. I was seriously medically injured by the medical system years ago with several conditions on top and survived on my own with no government help after it failed to diagnose or treat for 6+ years and had to give up. I’m a long-time amateur scientist and follow the independent scientific consensus. The experimental treatment side effects have me in the most at-risk cohort. I already went through something resembling the neurological and other side-effects. My whole family had similar problems and I know hundreds of others personally and thousands in groups in similar situations around the world. Due to poor diagnosis and corruption there’s no way for many of us to get exemptions since they’re denying us care and the most sympathetic and competent medical personal were fired. I had to skip a visit for a serious injury barely healed due to vaccination restrictions. I’m under near permanent house arrest except groceries and basic exercise and can probably survive the disease itself since I learned to self-treat prior to pandemic using mainstream medical research, and was already using for years even better substitutes I wish I could legally share with everyone but cannot yet thankfully are mostly covered by protocols by independent scientists. I could not survive any high-stress environment such as walking downtown without them, and everyone in such situation is being deprived effective and essential therapies.

    I fear for my life living in Ottawa since 2020 because of the actions, threats and surveillance from the RCMP, Health Canada, federal and municipal governments, and the pharmaceutical companies influencing each and burying medical malpractice patients. I did not donate to the convoy for this reason, even before the threats, because I was already threatened long before, directly verbally, implicitly, by mandates and fun things. I have reason to believe someone read my emails illegally, in which case they know what I’m saying is true. There is no law enforcement in North America that can be trusted in this situation other than local police and U.S. sheriff departments.

    The independent scientists I followed and generally delegate to from the start of the pandemic together with 10 years of amateur scientific background in mainstream research studies allowed us to predict perhaps 90% of pandemic discrepancies way back to 2020-03. We were correct, they were criminally wrong and I’m never listening to anyone for the rest of my life, because if I’d listened to half of them even before the pandemic I’d already be dead. They turned me into a rat and this is not an exaggeration. I will never let them make me one again. If I am forced to take an injection I may kill myself instead of hurting someone else in self-defense and instead of risking any more neurological, cardiovascular, brain or pulmonary damage, several of which I already experienced in pure living hell. This is what some of the experimental therapy victims described. Imagine inflicting this level of suffering on a 16 year old.

    Detailed story: In 2014 I was prescribed a fluoroquinolone antibiotic for a non-diagnosed, non-existent infection, upon erroneous diagnosis and prescription by my family doctor. It permanently ruined my joints, ligaments, tendons, severe neuropathy, debilitating effects on brain function, directly affecting my sanity although since healed, and the list goes on, together known as fluoroquinolone toxicity. I ended up with over 4 serious medical conditions, some from before that worsened to extremes, and therefore am the most at-risk cohort for side-effects of any experimental drug or drug in general. I can walk but will never be able to do physical work or sports again and am very slowly disintegrating at 30+ years old. Neither the doctor, emergency room, Health Canada, the pharmacy or barely anyone else were aware of the 2 severe black box warnings issued by the FDA and manufacturer for the drug in 2008 and 2013. Out of maybe 30 professional nurses and doctors, only 2 nurses and 1 doctor were aware of the issue or those warnings. The official drug insert says that as soon as side effects occur, the antibiotic must be substituted with an alternative. My family doctor’s office was not even aware these side effects existed. They told me to go to the emergency room. The first emergency room doctor lied to my face and said no such alternatives existed, and told me to keep taking the prescription, which I did and suffered further damage as result of his negligence. On my second trip to emergency, a second nurse and doctor who were aware of only the 2008 warning immediately discontinued the drug for a much safer antibiotic (that my family doctor was supposed to prescribe in the first place but his ego would not let him), but after only a few pills the damage was already done. To make matters worse, the doctor prescribed an NSAID which was contraindicated with the antibiotic. The level of negligence and incompetence was off the charts. That was already the state of healthcare in Canada prior to the pandemic. You should be extremely afraid for your children. It is not possible to go to court even if the system allowed because there is no way to prove causality. Beyond that, the hospitals are funded by the company that makes this drug. This was only a canary for the same problem with all experimental therapies and pharmaceutical drugs. I estimated these damages worth several million dollars, from either the government or manufacturer. Instead, I received zero compensation or assistance from the government, had to survive trying to work from home alone in a debilitated state, and only managed due to enormous sympathy from a client, forced to pay full taxes, zero deductions. I went through the health care system for 6+ years after this and no professional in Canada was able to help, and was mistreated again. Many others with the same issues from fluoroquinolone toxicity are forced to visit the United States for care. When this happens to you, no one in the world cares since you become a liability and healthcare professionals shun you out of dogma and fear for their jobs because although we pay their salaries someone else gets their loyalty.

    Besides the threat to children’s bodies from forced medical interventions, the lockdowns and euthanasia, economic destruction, closing of charities and total disregard for animal life have probably killed tens, hundreds of thousands if not millions of animals including cats and dogs, like the infected dogs slaughtered in the Australian police state for a flu. Where are those stories in the news? Those dogs were better people than the humans who killed them. I haven’t slept in 2+ years and this eats at me every day. They couldn’t make it 4 days of honking.

    The point is: no one ever cares until it happens to them. And the medical system starting from the top requires criminal investigation for negligence and egregious conflicts of interest.

    Professionals have already started developing 2nd and 3rd generation vaccines (real vaccines, and possibly intranasal vaccines that emulate respiratory viruses better) that may be safer alternatives, on top of alternative therapies. Having these options is not essential only for the medically ill, they’re for everyone including the vaccinated with buyer’s remorse and those who don’t know better. It’s simple: no matter how deadly the pathogen, society must always provide an alternative to blanket treatments for those who are sensitive to their ingredients, period. There is never a justification to force-vaccinate because full quarantine must always exist as a last resort, period.

    I was encouraged to start an online petition for immediately reinstating all fired health service workers in Canada over the past 2 years, with no medical claims on the petition. They must be rehired immediately, not the least because they were the only personel sane enough to grant exemptions, which means their firing is an immediate direct threat to the lives of Canadians on several levels, especially the most vulnerable. If nobody does it in the next 2 weeks, I will.

    To be clear I decided awhile ago not to rely on exemptions for my own defense regardless. Everyone deserves bodily autonomy, freedom of choice and informed consent, and they’d take our exemptions away eventually, since there’s no consistent ethical framework for their decisions seeing the politicians make choices based on mob rule. We can all take care of ourselves and each other if the government does its job which is to inform. People are intelligent enough to do this when they’re educated properly.

    For the record along with bad experiences I met some extremely courteous and genuinely good doctors and especially nurses throughout the years, who did not deserve to be thrown out like garbage after their sacrifices. Seeing the nurses defy the mandates convinced me there is a lot of hope for individualized as opposed to blanketed treatment and healthcare.

    Again thank you to those who stood up for us who can’t defend ourselves. You are heroes to us.

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