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Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/22/22).
As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.
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When I was in secondary school and researching what career in psychology to go into, I came to the conclusion that these drugs don’t work and so I would not be prescribing them. Since I want to help vulnerable people, not expolit them. I found out yesterday from professionals in this field that what has been announced is what they’ve been saying for years. I was listening to a lecture yesterday (I only got halfway because some children needed to be entertained) by Dr. James Davies uploaded on the ‘Weekend University’ Youtube channel. It was about the psychological illnesses in the DSM books with all those psychological illnesses. Spoiler – it’s not based on scientific research.
Anyway, last night I was watching an interview between Russell Brand and Vandana Shiva and she brought up that that people’s memories are being erased and that history was being rewritten. So this morning, I remembered that years ago, the big newspaper companies kept coming out with headlines that this, that and every ordinary thing will you cancer to the point that memes were made about them (it might have been around the time smartphones rose in popularity. Or maybe other things were being done to the public at the same time). People didn’t believe they were getting cancer from eggs and chocolate but more people, including children were getting malignant cancer. But the media were pointing fingers at every ridiculous thing but whatever was causing the rapid rise in cancer. And right now, the news media are pointing at everything from gardening to lifting your duvet as being reasons for heart problems. As well as normalising healthy children dropping like flies. Something that didn’t happen with anyone in 2020.
And finally, does anyone remember Toby Young? I think he became a minister for university education. I don’t know what he did there as all I remember him for was trying to push s** education into the curriculum for primary school children. This was followed by Gove pushing for the same thing when he went into the government’s education department (Gove had Mein Kampf displayed on his bookshelf during an interview. I haven’t read it but I have looked up Hitler’s life before and during his career in politics. He was literally killing people under the guise of kindness. Exactly what governments have been doing for decades). Then parents pulled their children out of school when schools openly said they were going to basically groom children for “education”, “for the greater good of society” etc. So in 2018/19, they didn’t openly use the s-word and instead introduced a new subject called relationships and personal health. This was after years of attacking the teaching of creative arts (and sports) to school children from low-income households. And now local government has defended ‘The Family S** Show’ to children as young as 5. Oh and schools are essentially feeding children from 4 years old and up flouride by coating their baby teeth with them and instructing parents that children should swallow their flouride toothpaste instead of rinsing it out. As for the sudden push for flouride in our water supply, in the House of Lords, Lord Reys spoke out against it and promoted an existing successful programme in Scotland around healthy eating to improve not only dental health but also overall long term physical health. He was ridiculed or ignored by the speakers who followed him including the Speaker of the House. That original Parliamentary video needs to spread, be discussed and boosted in views to show that people are paying attention.
Maybe you have seen this, maybe not.
The Weekly National Ambulance surveillance from England.
It shows quite clear rise in Cardiac or respiratory arrest. The number of calls is around 300 now. If you open some old report it is closer to 250.
Newest Report
All reports. Change the year from the end of URL. I think 2019 is the first one.
I just don’t understand how we can effect real change without calling for justice to be dealt to the perpetrators? “Standing up” in an echo chamber doesn’t feel effective to me. I’m trying desperately to understand; why aren’t we all speaking with one voice; to the low ranking members of the armed forces; they’re the only ones with the physical capacity to apprehend & prosecute the perpetrators? How else will this ever stop? Are we waiting until the “cyber pandemic” or when they start filling the concentration camps? Hear me out of you want https://www.bitchute.com/video/IAZPvU1asuOX/
I have a “friend” who was interested in psychology like me but, in my opinion, for self-serving reasons. So years ago, there was a very young child we both knew, probably 4 years old at the time, who displayed hyper or angry behaviour sometimes. After interacting seperately with the young child (she tried to enforce her authority on the child but in a kind voice to which the child responded to aggressively which she awkwardly laughed off. While I protected my own rights by telling the child to stop hitting me and that was it. In the end, the child quietly managed to calm himself down on his own (with no direct or indirect instruction to do so), watched me, played with me, was carried by me and we gave each other hugs and kisses etc), we both came to two different conclusions. My “friend” went and told the mother of the child that he definately had ADHD and needed to be put on medication. That his condition was really serious. I had to intervene because my silence would’ve been taken as agreement. This “friend” has a habit of diagnosing others with internal physical and mental illnesses, and publicly so, with no responsibility taken for endangering anyone’s life even in a medical emergency nor the consequences to their public image. And now, that “friend”, has gained herself more authority regarding anything she says on children because she’s become a school teacher. Just because someone is in a position of authority doesn’t mean they should be trusted blindly. Even more so if they’re strangers who won’t held accountable for your child’s behaviours years down the line. The only true authority is God. The rest of us need to constantly use our brain with the information available to us at the time to make the best decision possible. I don’t know what that mother ended up doing, I just know from observing her aswell that she’s a little immature and lazy when it comes to parenting. The type that thinks throwing money at a problem solves it. Children need a lot of attention, affection and teaching through interaction. This meets the child’s needs. In my opinion, medication is only to meet the needs of adults who don’t want to dedicate the time, effort and patience it takes to raise a child. Children will learn to behave in socially acceptable ways if their conditions for growth aren’t taken away from them. That’s generally been the case in my experience since childhood with other people’s children. I recently watched Jordan Peterson’s video on violent children and it backs up what I learnt through experience but with more research and explanation.
Please understand what the word ‘belief’ means. The major requirement of the word is that it is NOT based on fact.
There is a’name’ for a conclusion based on fact … it is called ‘Fact based conclusion’ … A conclusion of fact is made entirely from facts that are observed or shown to be true or genuine.
The difference between ‘conclusion’ based on fact and ‘conclusion’ based on belief is night and day. Belief has absolutely no relation to fact, information, or opinion, and it also absolutely excludes reason and logic which are even part of the opinion forming process.
A conclusion based on a belief is just another belief.
Can get link to the parody video ~1hour:25min?
Theres a book called Crazy like us: The globalization of the American psyche. It talks about how there was one study done on serotonin snd depression in the fiftues or sixties that did not prove anything but for some reason since that study it was declared depression is caused by low serotonin levels. No one ever did studies to prove or disprove that. It was just a accepted as gospel that it was. Its a great book on showing how illness that never existed in other countries came to exist. How media influences people getting things like anorexia. Its a revealing book.