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House Passes New Missile Sanctions Against Iran

In a 423-2 vote, the US House of Representatives has passed the Iran Ballistic Missiles and International Sanctions Enforcement Act,” which intends to impose sanctions of the Iranian government as well as international entities that are determined by the president to “support” Iran.

The resolution isn’t specifically related to Iran’s nuclear deal, though Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), the bill’s sponsor, presented it and several other anti-Iran resolutions making their way through the House as proof Congress is responding to “the full range of threats” from Iran.

It is unclear when this resolution will be taken up by the Senate, but historically, anti-Iran sanctions have been a relatively easy pass in Congress, with most eager to get their vote down in favor on nearly any pretext.

The sole no votes were from Reps. John Duncan (R-TN) and Thomas Massie (R-KY). Massie in particular has a long history of opposing sanctions bills as raising the risk of war, and he voted against North Korea’s sanctions bill only yesterday.



Jason Ditz
Jason Ditz is a writer for

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