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Destiny Rezendes Interview – A 2019 CIA Epidemic Plan Outlines Near Exactly What Happened In 2020

Joining me today Destiny Rezendez, here to discuss yet another of her very revealing and insightful threads. Destiny discovered a very important document from 2019 (that I had not seen prior to her work) in which In-Q-Tel, the venture capital firm of the CIA, outlined near exactly what later took place during the COVID-19 illusion of 2020. This has potentially major implications for the origin of this COVID illusion, the execution of the manipulation to this very day, as well as possible accountability for these crimes. 



Source Links:

Destiny’s Website:

(7) Destiny Rezendes on X: “10🧵Maybe you don’t take issue with this quietly convened group weeks before the pandemic that describes the exact manner of response that our government carried out. But please allow me to try & show you the foul-play afoot in this document.” / X
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Destiny Rezendes Interview – The Military/Intelligence Hidden Hand Driving The COVID-19 Injections
Brad Miller Interview: 101st Airborne Battalion Commander Relieved Of Command For Refusing COVID Jab
US Funded Research On “Coronavirus Induced Myocarditis”, FDA Authorized New Jab & The Green Police


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Ryan Cristián
Ryan Cristián
"Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see." - John Lennon Driven by a desire for accuracy, chef and independent news stalwart Ryan Cristián has a passion for the Truth. As a recent recipient of the Serena Shim Award For Uncompromising Integrity In Journalism, he understands that Americans want their news to be transparent, devoid of the opulence frothed out by today's corporate media. A cultured and insightful man with a worldly sense, Ryan's unjaded approach offers common sense to the individual racked by the ambiguous news cycle - a vicious and manipulative merry-go-round that keeps trenchant minds at a manageable distance from the truth. Avid writer & editor by day, Truth seeker by night, Ryan's reality defines what it means to be current.

8 Replies to “Destiny Rezendes Interview – A 2019 CIA Epidemic Plan Outlines Near Exactly What Happened In 2020

    1. First, I take numerous precautions regarding my info, so what you are seeing it not my location, and second, even if so, this was conducted at the publicly listed TLAV office location anyone can find. But I truly appreciate the concern. Thank you my friend.

      1. Hello ryan, I love your shows and to me your up there with Bill Cooper/Corbett ect.
        Could you message your guest and ask her to watch James Corbetts debunking of the JFK press speech as you noted before you could have 99% true info but still be shot down if the remaining 1% is inaccurate.
        A big hiya from Scotland and bigger thank you for all that you do

  1. Elaborate on my concerns? Sure. Everyone seems to think that turning to artificial intelligence is going to provide them with answers to all their “questions”. Never mind that bot “agents” have created written/audio/video news reports that are completely fake and false! Images of people can be created that are so real that it’s impossible to tell if they’re artificial images. So, yeah, go ahead and trust the “system”.

  2. Hi Lance
    Do you think the sources this lady is presenting are a complete fabrication?

    If so, on what basis are you making that assessment for this specific piece of evidence (The IQT document ostensibly from December 2019)?

    To me, it doesn’t matter where evidence came from, only that it is verifyable so AI doesn’t enter the conversation here, you know?

    Aside from the main question above, I would like to know who “Everyone”. Everyone who isn’t you? Everyone around you? Everyone who is a moron? Broad brushes will paint the world in no time, you just might not like the colour and it’ll probably never look good up close.

    AI is just a tool and, just like with any tool, a bad or negligent actor can cause a whole lot of hurt.

    I’d be just as careful not to fall into the knee jerk reaction of ‘AI bad therefor everything that mentions AI is also bad’ as I am to not to fall into the ‘US bad therefor Russia good’ mentality or the ‘Democrat bad therefor Repulican good’. I hope you can recognise those as similar, if not in form then at least in effect.

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