False Flag
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The Repetitive Cycle Of State Propaganda – The Lies We Tell Ourselves To Maintain The Illusion

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSSWelcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/10/18). We have, as Harold Pinter said in his Nobel address, been feeding on Read More…

Never Forget
Top News Conspiracy Government Propaganda Psychological Operations Social Engineering

Never Forget: What The Deep State Wants You To Remember About 9/11

“Never forget.” This is the mantra. The mantra that is repeated in the wake of every major false flag, every psychologically traumatizing incident that the deep state wishes to become a rallying cry for their next agenda item. And so it is completely unsurprising that this mantra has been invoked to remind the public of Read More…

al qaeda
Top News Conspiracy Foreign Policy Government History Propaganda Psychological Operations Social Engineering

Half Million Humans Slaughtered, $4 Trillion Wasted Since 9/11 And Al Qaeda Is Stronger Than Ever

After 17 years, there is no sign that the War on Terror is ending anytime soon—but there is evidence that Al Qaeda is stronger than ever, thanks to the U.S. (TFTP) Every year on September 11, Americans remember the horrific attacks that were carried out in 2001, which have been used to shape United States Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Foreign Policy Government Military Politics Propaganda Psychological Operations Social Engineering World

US Says Assad Has Approved Gas Attack In Idlib, Setting Stage For Major Military Conflict

Based entirely on claims made by “anonymous intelligence officials,” the US is claiming that Assad has approved the use of chlorine gas against the people in Idlib, which, if Americans care to remember, was the exact same way this country was led into a war with Iraq under knowingly false pretenses — otherwise known as Read More…

Top News Conspiracy History Propaganda Psychological Operations Social Engineering World

9/11 Revisited: Live Mainstream Media Coverage Conflicts With Official Story

As the anniversary is shortly upon us, we decided to revisit footage captured from live local media broadcasts on the morning of September 11, 2001. On September 11, the nation watched in horror live as the second plane slammed into the World Trade Center, then later both towers collapsed into their own footprints live; essentially, Read More…

Top News Conspiracy Foreign Policy Government Psychological Operations Social Engineering World

British Intelligence Planning Fake Chemical Attack In Syria – US Senator

Virginia State Senator Richard Black has claimed UK intelligence was planning a chemical attack in Syria, which they would then blame on the Syrian government. Black made the claim after a meeting with President Bashar Assad. “Around four weeks ago, we knew that British intelligence was working towards a chemical attack in order to blame Read More…