Health Conspiracy Constitutional Rights Featured Government Politics Science Social Change Top News

Robert F Kennedy’s Devastating Quotes On Vaccines And The CDC

From Kennedy’s video presentation, “7 Minutes on the CDC,” Anne Dachel (Age of Autism) has transcribed excerpts. This is explosive material, particularly because there is a chance Kennedy will head up an investigation of vaccine safety under Trump. Kennedy understands the inherent conflict of interest at the CDC, which operates as a vaccine sales and marketing Read More…

Health Business Conspiracy Environment Food Science Top News

Why Is The Deadstream Media Ignoring These GMO Studies?

Despite new research indicating health concerns and conflicts of interest related to Genetically Modified foods, the corporate media has, once again, remained silent.  In late December, a series of studies and news stories went largely unreported and ignored by the corporate, deadstream media. These reports covered blatant conflicts of interest between the biotechnology corporations promoting Read More…

Technology Article Revival Science Social Change Top News

2017: The Year of Technocracy

Writing for a publication called “The International Forecaster,” it’s pretty hard not to throw my hat in the ring with the other prognosticators who are peddling their predictions and pontificating on the prospects for the pursuing year. As I’ve noted before, these “year ahead” articles are not really about crystal ball predictions of specific future Read More…

Science Anthony Tyler Top News

New Study Suggests that “Detecting Misinformation” can Improve Memory

In conjunction with the recent wave of “Russian hacking” and “fake news epidemic” headlines, the scientific community follows in suit as it usually, in part, tends to do. However, since this is not exactly a politically oriented study, this article will refrain from over-stating these points any further; and of course, it goes without saying Read More…

scarlet woman
Outside the Box Anthony Tyler Featured Occult Science Top News

Mental Projections and the Scarlet Woman

Recently, The Last American Vagabond has explored a variety of esoteric concepts in relationship with modern science that have inevitably led to some abstract—albeit entirely empirical—ideas. Threads of this analysis have included concepts like sleep paralysis, hypnosis and neurolinguistics programming, triggering altered states of consciousness through ritual and/or symbolism, ritual magick as psychotherapy through symbolism and Read More…

Anthony Tyler Article Revival Featured Health Psychonautics Science Spirituality

Top 10 Misunderstood Psychedelic Drugs: Understanding Post-Modern Shamanism

A subject that has received an intense amount of criticism in western culture—and continues to do so—is psychedelic drugs. Despite the fascinating scientific and anthropological results that have come from these substances, there continues to be an enormous lack of funding for scientific research of psychedelics. An onslaught of disinformation regarding these chemicals has hindered their Read More…