As the American empire shakes itself apart, this generation will find itself with fewer and fewer options. Economic contraction (two words everyone should become familiar with) will eat away at every layer of this economy. Climate change will act as a threat multiplier, high-power weather patterns will destroy infrastructure, and leave less money to invest Read More…
Varun Bhaskar
The End of Higher Education
The American dream follows a well-worn road. K-12, then to college, then you get the job, and a house in the suburbs, or city if you’re a millennial. We all know that dream ended decades ago, most of us are just realizing it since we’re surrounded by people with huge amounts of debt, no jobs, Read More…
U.S. Needs to Focus on Adult Education
The United States is suffering from multiple institutional crises, all the signs of imperial decline. Homeless rates are growing, health care services are failing, and the education system has turned into a factory. According to the U.S. Department of Education there are currently 32 million adult Americans who can’t read, that’s 12% of the adult Read More…