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Assange Meets With US Lawmaker, Vows To Prove DNC Leaks Didn’t Come From Russia

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange met with a member of the US Congress for the first time Wednesday, as Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R – CA) met him during a three-hour gathering at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

During the meeting, Assange assured Rohrabacher that Russia was not the source of DNC leaks which WikiLeaks published during the 2016 campaign related to the Democratic Party, and he promised specific information would be provided to prove that.

Rep. Rohrabacher is the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, a position which might be of considerable import amid multiple Congressional investigations into the allegations of Russia being behind the leaks. Assange has long maintained that not only did Russia not provide the leaks, but no state party had done so.


How Assange intends to prove it wasn’t Russia, short of outing his sources, is unclear, but Rohrabacher did suggest he was provided with some specifics from Assange about which he intends to brief President Trump.

The putative “Russia hacks” have fueled US hostility toward Russia since mid-2016, despite both Russia and WikiLeaks denying that Russia was involved in the leaks, which were seen to politically embarrass Hillary Clinton during last year’s campaign, and which some Democrats have alleged were a concerted Russian plot to “get Trump elected.”


Jason Ditz
Jason Ditz is a writer for

2 Replies to “Assange Meets With US Lawmaker, Vows To Prove DNC Leaks Didn’t Come From Russia

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