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Agorism And How To Change The System Directly With Derrick Broze

Understanding the problems facing humanity is incredibly important if we are to change the world. How can you change the world if you don’t understand the full scope of the problem? The answer is you can’t, and the alternative media has done a great job of unmasking the litany of problems we must conquer if we are to see a better world.

However, once we have a clear understanding of the problems, we must evolve to the next stage in the process of change: action! Without action, knowing the entire list of problems is immaterial since you are not going to physically do anything about them. In many ways, action is a lot tougher to implement because it requires people to physically venture outside of their comfort zone as opposed to doing research within the confines of their own home. So what kind of actions can we take?

This is a tough question; one for which you will find many answers from a variety of sources. One such possibility to consider is agorism, which is the often forgotten or completely unknown tactic for manifesting change. Agorism is simply a way of competing with the established system by taking actions outside the system through what is called counter-economics, as opposed to trying to bring about change by using the system. We often think that we must change the system, but maybe the answer is competing against the system and making it obsolete.

(Related Reading: “Starve The Beast, Feed The Light”)

To discuss this idea of agorism and how it can empower the people and be used to enact change, The Last American Vagabond welcomes Derrick Broze, a well-respected journalist in alternative media, and more importantly, a real time activist who is actually on the ground taking action. We not only add context to the idea of agorism in the interview, but we take it a step further by discussing real solutions that listeners can take and implement in their own lives and communities.

We are the awakening, and we are all going to inevitably be the change that we want to see manifest. It’s time we stop waiting for the system to change and start changing it ourselves directly through lifestyle decisions and community actions. I encourage people to check out the following video with the hopes that it can help empower you to start changing your own area of influence. This is just the beginning and the idea is for people to take this information and expand upon it, so that it continues to grow into something more beautiful and intelligent.

Please check the show notes of the video for ways to connect with Derrick and his work. His ideas and material are something worth sharing!

Tim Bryant
An avid free-thinker, Tim has set out on a mission in search of the truth in whatever form it may come. Ever since his awakening several years ago, his passion for knowledge and justice has led him on a journey into deep research, cultural travel, and complete expansion of the mind. Tim feels as if the information freely flowing into the hands of the public, due to the dawn of the Internet, cannot be stopped at this point, so he has made it his goal to help facilitate and breakdown this complex stream of information, so that others can accelerate their own awakening and be part of the inevitable change happening in society.

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