Foreign Policy Ryan Cristian Top News

At least 71 Refugee Bodies Found in Abandoned Truck in Austria

The immigration crisis in Europe continues to rise with the discovery of at least 71 bodies in an abandoned roadside truck along an Austrian highway. Investigators originally thought up to 50 refugees had died inside the vehicle, which had been parked on the shoulder of the busy road linking eastern Europe to France and Germany. Read More…

Anthony Tyler Ancient Knowledge Conspiracy Outside the Box

In Search of Alaska’s Ancient Pyramid

The Ancient Pyramids of Egypt are a commonplace global landmark for all human beings, and as mysterious and awing as the recorded 120 pyramids of Egypt are, they are but a small fraction of the currently uncountable pyramid and pyramidal structures across Planet Earth. With pyramids publicly recorded  in places like the rest of Northern Africa, Read More…

Education Government Social Change

Rebuilding Higher Education

As the American empire shakes itself apart, this generation will find itself with fewer and fewer options. Economic contraction (two words everyone should become familiar with) will eat away at every layer of this economy. Climate change will act as a threat multiplier, high-power weather patterns will destroy infrastructure, and leave less money to invest Read More…