Anonymous Anthony Tyler Revolution Top News

Anonymous leaks Trump’s Social Security Number & Continues to be a Useless Collective

At this point, the people who consider themselves “Anons” need to reach their social-activism-puberty and start doing something helpful with their time and energy. While releasing “dox” (personal documentation online) of Donald Trump’s social security number, et cetera, is hilarious–it’s also an incredible waste of time, and accomplishes literally nothing except adding fuel to the Read More…

Conspiracy Entertainment Outside the Box

Former House Speaker Says GOP Hates Trump Because He Doesn’t Belong To “The Secret Society”

During a recent interview on Fox News with Bill O’Reilly, former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich suggested Donald Trump was an “outsider” because he doesn’t belong to “the secret society,” and that he has not been “initiated” into the inner circles of the elite. Gingrich is obviously not your average conspiracy theorist; he served Read More…

Politics Government Top News

Enough with the Trump Worship, Please

Trump worship is pretty rife throughout the Independent and Alternative Media, with many big sites putting their full weight behind supporting Donald Trump as the next US president. One can only assume that the researchers running those sites, although they are surely aware of Trump’s many faults, so desperately want a president that is not another Illuminati Read More…