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US Admits ‘Doing The Planning’ For Saudi Strikes In Yemen

In a new meeting with reporters, Defense Secretary James Mattis has offered new details about US involvement in the Saudi invasion of Yemen, providing specifics about what the US is doing that contradict long-standing claims of a very limited, non-combat involvement. Mattis now admits the US is “doing the planning” in Yemen strikes, and has shown the Saudis how Read More…

Foreign Policy Government Human Rights Politics Top News World

US Announces Another $1 Billion In New Arms Sales To Saudi Arabia

President Trump made clear earlier in the week during his meeting with the Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman that US arms sales to the Saudis are a top priority. Already, the State Department has announced another $1 billion in arms sales to the Saudis. The sales are going to include 6,600 TOW 2B missiles, at Read More…

World Foreign Policy Government Human Rights Psychological Operations Social Engineering Top News War Crimes

US Still Pouring Massive Supply Of Weapons Into War-Torn Yemen

Three years into the 2015 Saudi-led invasion of Yemen, untold thousands are dead. Northern Yemen has been through the worst cholera outbreak in human history, and civilians continue to die in bunches from Saudi airstrikes against the region. To call Yemen war-torn is really putting it mildly. Yemen is in a disastrous state, with a Read More…

World Foreign Policy Human Rights Politics Social Engineering Top News War Crimes

Saudi FM Defends Invasion Of Yemen As A ‘Just War, Supported By International Law’

Speaking on BBC Radio 4, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir defended his nation’s 2015 invasion of Yemen, and ongoing attacks in the country as a “just war, supported by international law.” The Saudi FM did not elaborate on how the Saudi war was legal, but rather went on to accuse British opponents of the conflict, Read More…

World Foreign Policy Government Politics Top News

A Tiny Island Nation You’ve Never Heard Of Has Become A Global Battleground

Last week, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates announced a grant of $160 million for “development projects” in the Maldives, a country located in the Indian ocean that is currently battling an economic and political crisis. “As part of the support of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the Saudi Fund for Read More…

World Foreign Policy Government Human Rights Military Politics Top News

UAE Just Overthrew Yemen’s Government — And Nobody’s Talking About It

Between a major regional confrontation on the horizon taking place in Syria between Israel, Syria, Russia, Iran, Turkey, and the United States and a potential nuclear standoff with North Korea and China, it is no surprise that there are many newsworthy stories that continue to go unnoticed. One such story is what is currently taking place in Yemen, and Read More…